Thursday, October 22, 2009

Today I am Thankful for... that created shampoo and spray to eradicate lice. Now if only they could create something that would kill them all over the house, so that you don't have to clean every little thing with hot water and hot heat. But overall, I am just thankful to be done with the little buggers.

...the great report cards that my boys received yesterday. Alex made honor roll which was actually a very pleasant surprise as he was really struggling with completing assignments. Jackson made high honor roll with straight A's, including an A+ in Math and an S+ in art. (They rarely ever give anything above an S in those classes.) Stephen doesn't actually get grades yet, but his teacher said that he will be reading basic stories by Christmas and is already writing in sentences with spacing and punctuation, and he is grasping math ideas not just numbers. WOW! The brains that these boys have are truly gifts from God. They are smart and gifted in so many areas. I loved just sitting and listening to their teachers praise them.

...the chance to hang out with my mom and sisters this weekend. It is Christmas shopping weekend for the girls. Emma is going along for this trip and I am looking forward to the time with her as well. Shopping, food and girl time---YIPPEE!

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

We're so proud of the boys in how well they are doing in school! That's awesome!