Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Tickle me slow

Emma loves (and I do mean LOVES) to have her back rubbed; or her tummy or her leg or her arm. She calls it tickling. But she will tell me to tickle her back slow. Or "Tickle me slow on my tummy, mommy." When she does this, it is a joy to lay with her on the couch and "tickle" her. She relaxes and has fallen asleep a time or two. It is such a precious time for me and her.

I was thinking about this quiet time that Emma requests (actually she demands) and how special it is to just be with her. If I feel this way as an earthly parent, how must God feel when I choose to climb up into His lap and ask Him to soothe me? He loves me and desires to share that love with me. Sometimes in our relationship all He is asking for is time spent quietly soaking in His love.

My challenge to you (and to myself) is to find a moment to sit in God's loving presence and soak in His love. Ask Him to tickle you slowly and relax, knowing His touch is going to be exactly what you needed.

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