Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Food for the Soul and Monday Mumblings (All a bit late)

I sat at my computer Thursday evening thinking that I should go ahead and type out my blog post for Friday, but then talked myself out it. Then it happened again on Sunday afternoon as I was thinking about Monday's post. Sometimes even the best of intentions can become derailed.

This last weekend was actually a rare one in our house. Other than the boys (Alex and Jack) basketball games on Saturday and Emma attending a birthday party, we had NOTHING officially scheduled on our calendar. While we added plenty to that schedule, it was a great weekend as a family.

Friday, I hurried to get the house cleaned (at least somewhat) and some laundry done so that I wouldn't have to worry about it later in the weekend. Friday afternoon since Aaron did not have basketball practice, we went grocery shopping and birthday gift shopping. We then enjoyed taco night and just relaxed together as a family. It was wonderful to sit and talk with my husband for an extended period of time.

Saturday was adventurous in getting everyone where they needed to be. Jack had basketball from 11-12, Emma had to be at a birthday party from 12-1:30 and Alex had basketball from 1-2. Thankfully we are a two van family. My god-parents attended Alex's game and from there took the kids for the afternoon and evening, so that Aaron and I could finally get our Christmas shopping started and hopefully completed. (We realized from the beginning that we were going to struggle with our goal as we had given all our good ideas to family.) We did manage to get most of our shopping done. I still need to get some stocking stuffers but for the most part we finished. YEA!

Sunday started with a crazy busy morning with Church (lots of crying babies this weekend). Then Sunday night we went out to dinner for a surprise birthday party for my god-sister's husband. It was lots of fun to be with family. Plus it was the first Chinese food we have had since we moved to PA. YEA!!!

It was a great weekend. This week is now filled to the brim with lots of things. Work, school, basketball practices, choir rehearsals, last minute shopping, and then of course the BIG day: Christmas!!! I am looking forward to the end of the week as it will bring with it lots of fun, love and family.

In the busyness of the past few weeks, the name given to Jesus at His birth has been where my focus has been drawn. Emmanuel. God with us. God is not just our Savior. He is not some distant being. He is not just Creator. Not only the Beginning and the End. He is with us. Day in and day out. Moment by moment. Good and bad.

I find such comfort in the name Emmanuel. I hope that you do too. As our family looks forward to Saturday-Christmas Day and gifts and fun, we are also excited for the reminder of Christ's birth. And with that reminder of His birth is the reminder that it did not end in a manger. He came to be with us.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Monday, December 13, 2010

Monday Mumblings...

This last week kept us hopping from one thing to another.

The beginning of the week was rather typical for basketball season. Practices and scrimmages. Then mid-week the kids again had Choir practice.

Thursday night instead of the boys having basketball practice we had a Choral Concert to attend. Alex performed with the 5th and 6th grade middle school choir. I could actually pick his voice out in the first song. The performed three songs. The first was "The First Noel" set to Pachelbel's Canon. It was a beautiful arrangement. Then they sang a song called "Holiday Lights" in which they held flashlights covered in a variety of colors of tissue paper. It was really well done between the singing and the choreography of the flashlights. They finished with a song called "Hot Chocolate". It was a fun song and the accompaniment was provided by members of the 5th and 6th grade band. It was all really well done. Alex had fun and that is what it is all about.

Friday night kicked off the official basketball season for Aaron's team. They were playing in a tournament and ended up losing the first game. This meant that Saturday, we (me and the kids) would not be able to go to the third place game as Alex and Jack both had games. The girl's team won though. YEA!

Jack played great defense in his game on Saturday. He had three steals and he took a shot (it was a bit out of his range, but was a good attempt). Alexander opened up his game with an absolutely beautiful drive to the basket and a textbook lay up. Those points ended up being the only points scored by his team for the first quarter and most of the second as well. While the beginning of the game looked so promising it went downhill from there.

We got to skype this week with our small group from IN (which was a surprise thanks to my sister) and with my in-laws. It is always great to not only talk to our families but to see them as well.

It is hard to believe that Christmas is just around the corner. I have so much to do, specifically shopping. We are hoping to get that all taken care of this coming weekend. Nothing like waiting until the last minute.

I hope that you are taking time to enjoy this season. It is so hard to do (I am struggling with it this year in a big way) but I know that it is necessary to build in that time for reflection and enjoyment of His LOVE. Be sure to take some time for yourself too. Love you all!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Food for the Soul

Tis the season...for giving, for snow, for family, for lights and decorations, for crowds, for hustle and bustle, for greediness, for very little patience...

It's always crazy to me that during what should be the happiest and most hopeful season of the year, people can turn into the rudest and most unkind beings ever. Our schedules are overflowing with activities and then we add the stress and pressure to shop and get the best deal and do it all by certain deadlines. This tends to put even the nicest person over the top.

So when our own schedules are filled to the brim and we feel the same pressures, how do we not succumb to becoming mean and rude as well?

There is a verse that has come up in my conversations and studying over the past few weeks. It is also the verse that I think provides us with a way to combat the urge to give in and give someone what they may or may not deserve.

John 13:35 says "They will know you are My disciples by your love." I strongly desire to be known as a disciple of Jesus. I want my life to reflect Him. From this verse we see that the key to a life set apart as His disciple is easily defined by LOVE.

Easier said than done at times. But when LOVE is given through a genuine smile to the elderly man sitting alone in the coffee shop, by letting the person in a rush go ahead of you in line, by thanking the Salvation Army bell ringer (not just quickly putting in a dollar or not even making eye contact as you rush by them), by helping the harried mother of 3 whose youngest is throwing their paci or blanket on the floor, etc...you make a difference. We have all been in a situation where it would take little to no more time to do the LOVING thing. And really, what's 30 seconds, or even longer in the grand scheme of things?

LOVE can be conveyed in so many ways, big and small. LOVE can define us, it should define us. If someone watched our lives for a period of time, they should see a life that is different from this world. Because LOVE is not just love, it is God working in us and through us to be LOVE (His reflection) to the world.

I challenge you in the busyness of this season to commit John 13:35 to memory. God gave us His perfect Son as a gift, the greatest gift ever given. If we receive this gift we then have the privilege and responsibility to give it to others. He is LOVE. And when we LOVE as He LOVED, then they will know we are His disciples.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Monday Mumblings

Well I never got around to posting any pictures from our Thanksgiving holiday or our Christmas decorating. So here they are a few...
Celebrating Thanksgiving with the Maxson and Christner family.
Our decorated Christmas Tree.

The main reason that it took me over a week to do it would be perfectly clear if you could see my calendar. In fact, here is a picture (intentionally blurry-I don't normally keep a picture like this)...
The far right is not a column of days without anything scheduled, it is the "notes" section.

Yep, December has arrived along with basketball season. Wow!!! Hang on to your hats! Not only is Aaron the assistant Girl's Varsity coach here at the shcool, but Alex and Jack both joined teams within the last week. So just between games and practices we are busy.

Add to basketball the fact that all the kids are singing in the Children's choir at church for the Christmas Eve services and they have practice once a week.
Then there are all the miscellaneous activities that are thrown in for holiday fun, plus a few birthdays to celebrate, and school functions...go, go, go...
I had this post mostly completed Monday morning and then got busy...ah, the story of my life. See you tomorrow for Wordless Wednesday.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Blog Update

Hey all. I am looking at starting some new weekly posts. Hopefully beginning next week I will start Monday Mumblings. This will be random thoughts, family news, etc...

Then there will be Wordless Wednesdays. This will be a picture post. I love nature shots but I also love taking pictures of my family. Sometimes these will be themed and other times random snapshots, but either way there will be no words.

Finally I hope to do a post each Friday that will be a post that is more spiritual in nature. This will be a post in which I may get a bit preachy or I may just share from my heart something that God is teaching me. (I have not come up with a clever name for this post yet. Ideas are welcome.)

I will look to begin these new posts next week, but later this week look for a post or two that will include pictures from our Thanksgiving holiday as well as Christmas preparations in our home.

I hope your holiday was filled with love and family. Ours was and we are so grateful for the days we had with family in Indiana.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


We have had a crazy week or two. Life is busy. Aaron started his new job along with having a few basketball practices thrown in. The church is getting ready for the holiday season as well as changing our service times, which has required a lot of extra hours for me.

The down time we have had we have tried to spend together. Last weekend, Aaron and I went on our first date since mid-July. It was wonderful.

The stomach virus hit again this week. This time it was me that was taken out by this round. It was awful. I am still not feeling great. I can't eat a lot yet. I am just so thankful that it happened this week instead of next. Hopefully I will be all set to eat tons of good Thanksgiving food.

This last week brought the boys first PA report cards and Parent-Teacher Conferences. The boys are doing really well. I was sick and unable to go to the conferences with Jack and Stephen's teachers but Aaron's report from them both were so great.

Jackson's teacher said that when she wants something done she will typically ask Jack to do it. She knows that when she asks him that it will be done and done well.

Stephen's teacher said that she uses him as an example to the other kids of how they should be behaving.

Some funny stories out of Stephen's conference were:
  • She said that when Stephen is at his desk reading a bomb could go off behind him and he would never notice. (I have no idea where that trait comes from.) :-)
  • A couple of days ago the word of the day was "of". She was trying to get Stephen to use it in a sentence. She started the sentence "Stephen is the son of..." (Thinking he would say Aaron and Heidi.) Stephen looks at her and says "God." (That's my boy!)

It is hard to believe that one week from today the holiday season is officially upon us. I am so excited to spend time with family.

Our family has had a "thankful vase" since the beginning of November. We each write something we are thankful for on a piece of paper, share it with the family, and then put it into the vase. While we have not done it every night, it has been fun to watch the vase fill with papers over the past few weeks. It is a great reminder in the midst of the craziness of everything that we are truly blessed.

Hopefully over the next few weeks I will be more consistent with posting to the blog. I have some thoughts for some weekly posts. We will have to see...

Monday, November 8, 2010


This past weekend, Aaron and I were re-baptized at our new church.

Here is the video clip.

God continues to be at work in us and through us.

Friday, November 5, 2010

A Week In Review

The past week has been busy.

Last Friday night the Girl's Volleyball Team from the Lititz Christian School played for the district championship. Since we don't "trick or treat" we decided this would be a great time as a family. The game was so fun and the girl's won. The kids had a blast.

After the game, we Skyped with Aaron's brother's family. It was great to connect with them in this way. It has been months since we have seen them so it was good to catch up.

Saturday was busy. I had things to get done for Sunday that just didn't get done during the week. Then we went to a Barn Party with a Sunday School class from the church. We got to meet some other families. The kids played in the hay loft where a zip line had been put up for them. We had a moment of panic when Alex's glasses got dropped into the hay. But after much searching (and a lot of momma's prayers) we found them. We finished the night with a hayride. It was chilly but not too cold. The sky was clear so you could see tons of twinkling stars.

Sunday was a typical Sunday=BUSY!

Tuesday was a BIG day. Aaron was offered two jobs. He accepted both. He is a route driver for Canteen Vending. His days will once again begin very early (probably 3 AM). The early start to the day will allow him the ability to be home for the kids and also to pursue his other new job, Assistant Varsity Girl's Basketball Coach.

Wednesday, Jack went to the Philadelphia Zoo. He loved it. No surprise there. We are looking forward to seeing his pictures. He took a disposable camera, so we will see what he was able to get.

Here we are back to Friday. We are going to go do some shopping tonight. I love living where there are great stores and malls close by.

Tomorrow the girl's volleyball team plays in the Semi-State game and if they win: the Championship Game.(This actually might be regional's and not state, either way it's exciting.) We are thinking about going and cheering them on.

Sunday, Aaron and I are being re-baptized at our new church. So that will add to the craziness of the day. But definitely worth it. We are excited to show our new church family that we are committed to the work of God in our personal lives as well as His work in this Church.

Much love to all of you. Praying your week ahead is filled with God's blessings.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

3-hour coffee break

Sometimes I need to be reminded just how amazing God is when it comes to the smallest of details in our lives.

Last week I met a woman at a networking meeting of Children's Ministry Directors. We talked for a short time and began to realize we were at similar places in life and ministry. We were able to connect after the meeting thru email and met today for coffee. We talked for 3 hours. It was one of the most encouraging and refreshing times I have had recently.

Personally our backgrounds are very similar. Currently our personal lives are similar as well. We have both been married for 11 years. Our children's ages are almost identical (3 out of 4 are the same). Due to the subject of our networking meeting, we found out our personalities are similar. And we tend to lead in a similar style.

And in ministry there are even more similarities. We are both newer in our positions, both churches have lost senior pastors recently, and we are dealing with the same ministry struggles.

This week I was looking at my list of things I need to do and projects that are ongoing or need to be started. I was feeling overwhelmed and beginning to allow discouragement to seep in. Then today, I got to talk and listen and connect with someone else who feels the same things I do; as a mom, as a wife, and as a director.

No projects were magically completed. Nothing got marked off the "to-do" list. In fact some things that needed to be completed got pushed back to later today or this weekend. But I feel energized, refreshed and ready to face those tasks and projects.

I love how God knows what our needs are and how to meet those needs for us, even if it is a three hour coffee break.

Monday, October 25, 2010




And a Diva

Friday, October 22, 2010

It's Been A While

I realized today that I hadn't posted in over a week. Life happens sometimes.

Last weekend, Emma and I went to Columbus, OH with Kathleen (my god-sister) and met my Mom, Laura (sister), Lacey (sister-in-law) and Kaitlyn (niece). It was our annual girl's shopping weekend. We go each year in October to begin Christmas shopping. Emma loves this trip and this year was particularly thrilled that there were "no boys allowed". (She did freak out for a moment in a restaurant when there were boys at the table next to us.) For the past two years I haven't actually done much shopping, but always come away with great ideas.

This past week has just been busy. Today I am actually taking one of my scheduled day's off for the week. It has been nice to just take my time this morning. The house is so quiet with all the kids off to school. Aaron is on the home computer trying to get our web cam connected. I think we will probably head to the store in a bit to finish our grocery shopping that we started at the discount store on Tuesday. There are just some things that need to be bought at the mainstream store, but it never fails that it takes me a few days to get it all completed.

The past few mornings I have gotten some great pictures of the sunrise. I will post some later this weekend (hopefully). I still have to get them off my camera. I may try to get some pictures of the kids to put up as well. So until then, have a great weekend.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Follow Me!

Have you seen the footage of the Chilean miners being rescued? Oh my goodness, I wept. The story is incredible. It is so amazing that after 69-70 days these men are seeing the light of day and feeling the warmth of their loved one's hugs. I was struck by the obvious camaraderie and closeness that has been brought on through these circumstances. Seriously--they fought over not who would be first but rather who would be last to get out. WOW! And even after their own loved ones were lifted out of the mine, the families are sticking around for the next one and the next one and the next one to emerge. I was also struck by the commitment of the shift supervisor to be the last one out. He was their leader prior to the mine collapse, but he stepped it up and led them to survive this ordeal. It makes me consider my leadership and whether or not I lead well in times of crisis and stress. Leading other people is hard, even in great circumstances, but a great leader really shines when the pressure is on.

Parenting is HARD. I know, I am not the first person to realize this nor the last. In fact, from the moment my first child took his first breath, I knew that life would be filled with challenges. Parenting shows us just how selfish we are, it makes our own personal struggles glaringly obvious. And I know that as the kids get older and the more influences they have on and in their lives the job will continue to get more and more difficult. But sometimes I just want to scream and say "enough already." Some days it feels like one step forward and three steps back. It's HARD! However, the reality is that without the struggle and the challenges it would be very difficult to see the rewards. When your child finally understands the point of the discipline for the same issue for the 100th time it is such an amazing feeling when they get that it is not just to obey but the need to obey. But no matter how hard it is or gets, I LOVE my kids with a love that is so big. I know they don't get it, but maybe some day when they have their own children they will. (Though quite honestly, I am praying that Jesus comes back before then.)

As we have been dealing with some parenting struggles, God has given me perspective into His parenting struggles. You see, I know I am not a perfect child. (Just ask my mom and dad. And yes, I have apologized to them for my childhood behaviors. My own kids did a great job of pointing out the reality of "what goes around, comes around.") But as a child of God, He is the perfect parent and yet His children (ME) are far from it; so why would I expect that out of my imperfect parenting that my children would be perfect? And yet if I am completely honest, that is what I expect. Crazy, huh? And even crazier is the fact that God's love for me and for my children far exceeds what I can even comprehend. Yet just like me, I am sure there are days when He cries in frustration when His child(ren) just don't get it. I need to do a better job of asking God for parenting help, and not just that He fix my kids but rather asking Him to fix me. As only the Perfect Parent can, His advice and molding will create a better result than anything else I attempt or try on my own.

Parenting and Leadership...
I was reminded this morning that Jesus is the perfect example and His leadership command was/is simple: "Follow Me!" First, I need to do just that. I need to drop my "nets" immediately and follow Him. No questions asked, no discussion about why, no "just a minute"; I just need to obey. Then once I am following I need to lead by example. When I lead my volunteers, they need to see me loving and caring for others needs, so that they know what is important. When I parent (lead) my children, I need to remember that if I don't want them to do something, I need to be sure that I am leading them by example to do it another way. As a leader and even more so as a parent, I am being watched. My volunteers and my kids, while they have to be responsible for themselves on many levels, are ultimately a product of what I have demonstrated. That is a weighty responsibility and if I get completely honest with myself it's often a place in my life where I let things slide. I figure my title as "mom" is enough to get obedience out of my kids. My example to them is a better way to ensure they are truly following my lead. Same goes for my role as a leader in ministry. I better not use my title to get results. True results come from being led by example.

Christ taught His disciples by His example. He loved others. He cared for the "least of these". He taught them to pray by doing it. Even His death was an example to them. We all have areas of influence in our lives. What kind of influence are you having?

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My Baby Girl is 4!!

Sunday, Emma turned 4. She is so thrilled to be 4! I just can't believe it is possible.
We did not have a big party for her (a first for our family). This last week we were originally going to travel to IN to celebrate with the extended family. However, due to illnesses in the house we did not go. Then this past weekend we found ourselves distracted with another trip to the hospital for my Grandfather.
We did however enjoy her birthday with just the six of us. It was a great time and she didn't seem to mind going without a big party. (She is actually having another party in Columbus, OH this coming weekend during our girl's weekend trip.)
We started by having McDonalds for supper. It's her favorite. She then enjoyed opening cards from family out of state and then opening her gifts from us. She also really enjoyed her ice cream cake. Below are some pictures.

Opening her Alvin and the Chipmunks card. It plays music.

Opening her fuzzy slipper socks and her Dora necklace and silly bands.

Checking out her new Bible. She has taken it to the hospital to show Grandpa and to school to show her teacher and her class. It is so fun that this is her favorite gift.

With her ice cream cake. I should have gotten an after picture, but imagine her with blue lips and you will have a good idea of how much she enjoyed her cake.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

A New Look for Em

This is how my little girl looked just 24 hours ago.

She asked this week for a haircut like mommy's. So we took her to a salon for her first official haircut. She was excited about the whole process. She liked how her hair got wet and her face didn't during the shampoo.

Then we moved to the chair. She loved her cape. And so the cutting began.

Then came styling. I told her that the hairdryer was the part where I usually felt like I could fall asleep. She became very relaxed.

Here she is...


Thursday, October 7, 2010


What you
with the
of your
is displayed in your life as
Above all else, guard your heart
for everything you do flows from it.
Proverbs 4:23
What kind of "art" are you displaying in your life?
At the root is what we allow our hearts to hear and believe.
Be on your guard.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Time out!

UGHH...literally moments after typing my previous post in which I said "it seems everyone else has avoided it", Stephen got sick.

So last night was another sleepless night.

I am ready for something to change. This is draining, physically and emotionally. It's hard being a mommy when your kids are sick. You can't fix it. It has to run it's course. How great would it be to give the flu a time out?!

It would be nice if we could avoid anyone else getting sick, but the chances of that seem fairly improbable at this point. So we will pray for a few good nights so we are ready for another round. Though it would be a pleasant surprise to not have to deal with it at all.

The good in all of this, is seeing the family taking care of the ones who are sick. Brothers who typically fight are asking if the other is OK. They are praying for each other to feel better. It is cool to watch how even when our family doesn't feel good, God is at work. I may not enjoy it when my babies are sick, but God is drawing us closer together and that makes it do-able.

Monday, October 4, 2010

let it rain, let it rain, let it rain

After the deluge of rain we got last week, we had a day of reprieve and now it continues to rain. And the temperature has dropped into the chilly mid-50's. Fall is definitely here.

With fall often comes the flu. Well in the past week we have had the stomach flu and then quickly moved on to the head/chest cold. Emma got the stomach flu and then I got the head/chest cold. What a nasty week. Emma is feeling better and I am getting there. And even better than that, it seems everyone else has avoided it.

This week also starts the Manheim Farm Show. Apparently it is a big deal around here. So much so that they give the students 2 1/2 days off school. Stephen is excited to go tomorrow to the Farm Show with his class. I am curious to hear all about it.

The rain seems to be here to stay for the next few days, fortunately this time around it is mostly staying outside. Since it's dry inside, let it rain, let it rain, let it rain...

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Tropical Storm Nicole

Well we may need an ark by the time this system has passed through. It has been crazy. We ended up with a flooded basement, the emergency personnel of the state closed schools early and then as the rain died down this afternoon the winds started to blow. It was muggy and sticky this afternoon definitely confirming the "tropical" part of the storm. And the rain is to continue this evening.
Our basement is wet and the landlord is working on a solution, both for the current situation but also so it doesn't happen in the future. We had a few things get wet, but nothing of great value. It is amazing how fast it happened. Aaron had been downstairs about two hours before going down and finding the flooding. More than anything right now it is just an inconvenience.
Here are a few pictures:

The basement.

5 Inches of rain in about 12 hours and more to come.
The wind really picked up during a break in the rain.

Monday, September 27, 2010


After she set the table: "Grandma, I gave you a knife so you can cut my meat."

As her brothers were getting in trouble (to Daddy): "They don't listen very well." (pause) "I have trouble with that sometimes too."

A storm came in right at bedtime and the kids and I talked about how big God is and that He is watching out for us and protecting us. We prayed that God would cover our house with His hand. The next day: "Daddy, did you see God's hand on our house last night?"

She was hanging out at work with me for a bit and we were having a staff meal so she joined me. My boss came up and said, "Emma, can I sit with you?" To which she looked at him and growled. "GRRRRRRRR"

She is really into dress up again though it is usually with accessories. Her favorite thing to do is wear her dress up high heels and jewelry. She showed Daddy her beautiful outfit and he lifted her up onto the couch. He was teasing her about her shoes being on the couch, to which she replied, "Daddy these are NOT outside shoes. They are for pretty."

She was supposed to be taking a nap but was playing, so I stood in the doorway to watch. She was playing with her princess barbies. She lifted up Cinderella's dress and in a shocked voice said, "Cinderella has a butt!"

Oh yeah, that's my girl. She is almost 4 going on 12. She definitely keeps us all laughing. We love her and her "-isms" to pieces.

Friday, September 24, 2010

A rambling post

This last week was filled with much fun and adventure as well as many long and difficult times. This post will focus on the fun and adventure.

My mother flew out last Saturday night to spend some time with us and also to surprise my grandfather. On Monday night we attended a banquet for the organization my mother works for, CE National. At this banquet my grandfather was honored with an award, "The Faithful Servant Award." For many years he has given of his time and energy to serve others in many many ways. The impact he has made for the Kingdom is amazing. He began to suspect that something was up when he arrived at the banquet and there was a table reserved just for our group.

But he did not fully understand until the moment his name was said.


Reading the certificate

It was such a great night to honor such a great man. I love my Grandpa!!!

We had another first in our house on Monday as well. Stephen lost his first tooth. It fell out at school and they gave him a little treasure chest to put it in and bring home. He was so excited. I am just happy to say that it only took the "tooth fairy" 4 nights to remember to take care of it. It is actually a bit difficult to see that one is missing as the adult tooth had already appeared behind the baby tooth. (Now Emma is determined that one of her teeth is loose too.)

The boys all participated on Thursday in the district "Run for Fitness" which is a fundraiser for the high school and upper middle school's cross country teams. Each class is divided by boys and girls and then they run those groups at staggered times. Stephen ran a 1/4 mile length while Jack and Alex ran a 1/2 mile. It is was interesting to watch how they did. The boys love to race each other and often times they will run just for fun. Jack especially loves to run. However, none of them placed in the top 5 (which would have qualified them for a county race in a few weeks) but they all finished.

Today Aaron and I attempted to go and get our driver's licenses and have our plates transferred. We found out that PA has some crazy ways of doing things. Needless to say that after driving through two counties and to three different places we finally found out all that we needed as well as the order in which things have to be done. So Saturday will be the day. We are armed and ready. It will be official that we are Pennsylvanians tomorrow. (Unless we run into more issues with PA's system of making motorists crazy.) :-)

On other notes of interest or not...it has been HOT. I love summer but I am ready for fall. After all it is football season. After a week of getting a taste of fall like temperatures this week has been a scorcher, with temperatures far above what is normal, by about 15-20 degrees. Tonight the temperatures are not to get below 70. On another note, the leaves are beginning to change. It is going to be absolutely gorgeous in the next few weeks. I am looking forward to getting some great pictures. As we were driving all over today, we drove one of my favorite stretches of road since I was a little girl. As we drove through that area, Aaron and I had a great little chat about the amazing God we love and serve. His handiwork is on display. Creation speaks of Him.

And to close this crazy rambling post, I couldn't have this post with out my baby's picture. She is a little cheese ball. And she is going through a stage where she is constantly asking for her picture to be taken. (She knows my phone has a camera so the request pops up at crazy times.)

And finally here is another picture from the banquet that I just could not resist posting. Our family loves food and when we gather it is usually centered around food. In fact it has been said recently that we migrate and graze, emphasis on the grazing. Oh how I love my family and of course FOOD.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Psalm 25

Lord, I worship you.
My God, I trust in you.
Don't let me be put to shame.
Don't let my enemies win the battle over me.
Those who put their hope in you
will never be put to shame.
But those who can't be trusted
will be put to shame. They have no excuse.
Lord, show me your ways.
Teach me how to follow you.
Guide me in your truth. Teach me.
You are God my Savior.
I put my hope in you all day long.

Lord, remember your great mercy and love.
You have shown them to your people for a long time.
Don't remember the sins I committed when I was young.
Don't remember how often I refused to obey you.
Remember me because you love me.
Lord, you are good.
The Lord is honest and good.
He teaches sinners to walk in his ways.
He shows those who aren't proud how to do what is right.
He teaches them his ways.
All of the Lord's ways are loving and faithful
for those who obey what his covenant commands.
Lord, be true to your name.
Forgive my sin, even though it is great.
Who is the man who has respect for the Lord?
God will teach him the way he has chosen for him.
Things will always go well for him.
His children will be given the land.
The Lord shares his plans with those who have respect for him.
He makes his covenant known to them.
My eyes always look to the Lord.
He alone can set my feet free from the trap.
Turn to me and show me your favor.
I am lonely and hurting.
The troubles of my heart have increased.
Set me free from my great pain.
Look at how I'm hurting! See how much I suffer!
Take away all of my sins.
Look at how many enemies I have!
See how terrible their hatred is for me!
Guard my life. Save me.
Don't let me be put to shame.
I go to you for safety.
May my honest and good life keep me safe.
I have put my hope in you.
God, set Israel free
from all of their troubles!

This weekend our senior pastor resigned and our church is now processing this loss. This is the passage that I have been dwelling on over the past few days. May you be blessed by it as well, no matter what kind of day or week you are facing.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Today I am thankful for...

...the opportunity to teach in chapel this morning. It was fun to spend 30 minutes with the kindergarten thru 5th grades of Lititz Christian. I had a blast.

...the lunch date I had with my daughter, in which I found out that she thought her Uncle Ben was sick. Why else would we always talk about doctors when we talk about Ben? It was humorous to see the light come on when she realized the HE is the doctor.

...the time I had on the phone with a friend earlier this week. She is also in Children's Ministry and it was fun and encouraging to talk things thru with her.

...scented candles that help to cover the smell of pigs (our rental house is right next to a hog farm). If the smell is outside and even when the wind changes direction and the windows are open it's usually not that big of a deal, but every once in a while the smell lingers in the house. (Plus add in the smell of growing boys who have gym every other day-WHEW!!) Candles are my friend.

...the blessing of being a mother. It is the hardest job I have but it is the most rewarding. I wouldn't trade it for anything in this world. I love my children and I am so thankful for the blessing each one is to me.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The View from Here...

Is pretty good!!!

His mercies are new every morning.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Weekend Ramblings

This week, though shortened by a holiday felt extra long. Maybe it was cramming extra work into 4 days instead of 5.

I am thankful the weekend is here though. But as our weekend took off things took a turn that we weren't planning on. My Grandfather ended up in the hospital for the second time this week. So my Friday evening ended up being busy with checking on him in the hospital as well as taking care of his car. (He was rather distressed that it was still in the eye doctor parking lot with the windows open a bit.) I spent a good portion of my evening going up and down 501. (Major road thru Lititz.)

Today has been good so far. Other family and friends are taking care of checking on Grandpa as I wait to see what the doctors say. If they discharge him, I will be going to get him later, so for now we are hanging out at home, close to our phones.

We are looking forward to some good tennis (US Open) and then a good football game this afternoon. GO BIG BLUE!!!

I have had a twitch in my eye for about a week and it is really getting on my nerves. I also must have pulled a muscle during the move and my arm is still a bit sore at times. Maybe I should be in the hospital too. :-0

Tomorrow is a work day for me and while I love my job, it is the most stressful day of the week. I am glad that the NFL season is upon us as I am looking forward to finding a sweet spot on the couch tomorrow afternoon. GO PACK!

Anyway, no matter what the next few hours or days hold, I am thankful for my family. We have been enjoying time together today and I really couldn't think of a better way to spend the weekend.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Lately in various ways I am being reminded that perspective is a powerful influencer. Our perspective is not always accurate. In fact sometimes it is downright wrong. Often times our incorrect perspective is tainted by our assumptions about the "rest of the story" or by misunderstanding. Sometimes our perspective is clouded by "the moment" and the difficulty of our situation.

As the Director of a ministry area, my perspective is different than that of a parent or volunteer. My perspective as the "newbie" on staff is different than those who have been on staff for a few years. In these situations it would be easy to discount the perspective of others and only consider what I think to be best. Over the past few weeks I have intentionally sought out others who have different perspectives to help me form policies and procedures that can be effective.

But the fact of the matter is that my perspective is just that MINE and the perspective of those I have sought out is THEIRS. My goal should be to have the perspective of Christ. I should be trying to see others through His eyes, loving others with His love, serving others by His power. When my eyes are fixed on Him, I find that my perspective on things in this world shifts. I don't see agendas, to do lists or disgruntled people. I see a purpose and a plan that He is putting together. I see hurting people in need of love.

It's interesting because God used a vine to remind me of this idea. You see in the landscaping at our rental house there was this very weird looking vine. As Aaron and I were looking at it, we actually talked about getting rid of it.

The sad thing is that on that day I could only see a part of the plan for this vine. Had I gone ahead and gotten rid of this bizarre looking plant I would have missed the big picture and potential of this plant. The beauty that this plant held.
I am so glad that God has a broad and eternal picture of each of us. I am so glad that His perspective of us and our lives is not shaped by a bad day, but rather by the potential and plan He has in store for us. I too want to have a broader perspective as I deal with people or develop curriculum or design a set or bulletin board. I want to have the mind and attitude of Christ. I want to reach my potential for Him.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Labor Day Weekend (and a party)

We had a great weekend. It started Friday for the boys as they did not have school. They got to spend the morning with Daddy, watching a movie. Emma actually had school and since I had to take her, I ended up staying at work and getting caught up on things.

That evening my in-laws came into town. They made great time, even pulling a trailer full of stuff that didn't make it during the original move to PA. We took them to one of our new favorite restaurants. It was great to see them and spend time with them.

Saturday morning we unloaded and found "homes" for the stuff that Larry and Margo brought with them. We then went to Friendly's for lunch and then on to "That Fish Place" which is a giant pet supply store that also carries a large variety of fish. From there we split up and Margo and I headed to the mall while the guys and the kids came back to the house. After an afternoon of shopping, which included last minute birthday shopping, we all went to Oregon Dairy for dinner. (Yes I think I gained about 5 pounds this weekend.)

Sunday dawned bright and early for me as I headed to work. Aaron actually went in with me, so the kids came to church with Larry and Margo later in the morning. Margo got lunch ready and then we got everything ready for Jack's birthday party.

Jack's party was a lot of fun. His presents included gifts from family that could not be here in person. He got lots of Lego's and a huge marble track kit. He was thrilled. We enjoyed cake and ice cream and good friends and family.

Later we all worked on different things and then ate the leftovers from Friday night.
Monday morning Larry and Margo headed back to IN and we enjoyed a whole lot of not doing anything. Aaron did put up the tree swing that he and Larry had gotten over the weekend. We enjoyed some family football fun in the backyard. And the boys completed every Lego kit and the marble track all by dinner time. Over all it was a productive day of not doing much of anything. Just what Labor Day should be like.
Here are some pictures from the party:

Jack and his cake...

One of the 7 Lego's kits he got...
This dog rolls around on the ground laughing...
Jack and all his presents...