Friday, March 19, 2010

Growth is Good!

I don't know if this is something that only I have struggled with or if it universal...

I used to think that when I learned something about God, the Bible, or my spiritual life that it was taboo to share it (like I should have already arrived), especially if was something fairly basic or simple.

However, I am realizing that it is fun to learn and relearn some of these basic faith building concepts. I love being overwhelmed over and over again with how much He loves me. I am also realizing that I don't have to have all the answers, and maybe some of my answers aren't actually 100% correct. The point is that I am searching the Bible and asking God to reveal new truths and concepts to me. And He is faithful, because He wants nothing more than to have a growing relationship with me as well.

Sometimes we need to humble ourselves before God and others and be vulnerable. We should never come to a point where we are not trying to learn and develop our relationship with God. It's OK to not know the answer, as long as this is driving you to find the answers in His Word. I hope and pray that you are learning and growing in your relationship with God. It is fun, rewarding, and the greatest accomplishment you will ever achieve in this lifetime.

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