Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A thought...or two

As I sit here staring at the candle that is burning on my desk, I wish it would suddenly speak. (Technically I wish God would speak through the flame, in essence my own burning bush.) But alas, no matter how long I stare the flame just flickers silently. I have been crying out to God for clarity on some issues and He is not answering within my time frame. We ask for God to answer and speak to us but all too often we fail to slow down long enough to listen.

God does speak. Rarely is it as audacious as Moses' experience with a burning bush, but He does speak. I find myself more and more listening for His voice. I find myself seeking His Word for His voice. I listen to hear His voice in the words spoken by the Godly people in my life. He does speak. I just need to be listening.

And so the flame I was hoping would speak is a simple reminder to listen. He is speaking, I just need to be tuned into His voice. Like Samuel, I need to say "Speak LORD for your servant is listening." And then I need to do just that, listen.

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