Thursday, June 18, 2009

Today I am Thankful for...

...nights with nothing planned. These nights do not happen very often for our family. Last night was great. I haven't laid on the couch to "veg" for way too long. And I actually got to see my husband and talk to him. It was wonderful. (Now back to the crazy schedule-unless it rains and they cancel Aaron's softball game.)

...that my nephew will relax and fall asleep in my arms. There is nothing more precious than watching a baby sleep. Love it!! Dad. Sunday we take a day to honor the Dad's in our lives and I have been truly blessed. My Dad an amazing man. I know that my life is better because of the influence he has had on me. I grew up as Daddy's little princess and it is wonderful to know that even now I am still his princess. He has loved me, prayed for me, protected me, stood up for me, stood behind me, challenged me, and given me the wings I needed to fly. Growing up I often thought that my Dad and I had nothing in common; we always seemed to be at odds. But as an adult I have come to realize that I have many of the same traits as my Dad. While there are some areas where we are very different, I have come to love and appreciate those differences. I believe I learned to do this because of my Dad and who he is. I love my Dad and I am so grateful to God for him. Happy Father's Day Dad!

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