(I will post pictures at a later time.)
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
An Memorable Christmas Season
Monday, December 15, 2008
Holiday Madness
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Really cool story...
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
And the season begins...
We are so excited to see our family whether here or there. Family is so important to us and we are thrilled that the holidays provide a time to gather together.
We are also so excited to discover that in a few months my brother and sister-in-law will be moving closer. They will still be a few hours away but 3 is definitely better than twice that, now we can do a day trip. This move will come after my brother graduates from medical school and moves on to his residency. I am so proud of him and all the time and work he has put in to get to this point in his life. I am also proud of my sister-in-law for the sacrifices she has made to help him through the past few years. They both are so amazing and I am so excited to get to spend time with them both over the next few weeks.
Of course this time of year can tend to be stressful and full of busyness, but the time with family is an opportunity to be in the moment and enjoy the real gifts in our lives. I hope that you too find time to enjoy those moments for what they are: a gift from God. Whether you are surrounded by many or just a few, I hope you choose to be thankful for the blessings.
And of course, enjoy the food!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
They are just First Graders
Monday, October 27, 2008
When Mom is away...
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Lazy Fall Weekends
(Not sure what happened, but now it's underlined. )
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
What's the deal?
Monday, October 13, 2008
Emma is 2!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Emma the little Diva
Thursday, September 18, 2008
A Fresh Perspective
Last night, I had the night off and was able to make dinner (a simple pleasure) and hang out with my kids. I sat on the couch with Emma and Alex, watching them interact and play. Emma is rapidly expanding her vocabulary and has become a bit bossy, but to watch her was such a gift. I got to read some books with Jackson. First grade causes so many changes, he is learning to read and it is fun to watch him grow. Stephen just adds drama to everything and his smile is such a reward.
I also had the opportunity to go over to church for prayer and it was an amazing hour of sitting in God's presence. While I poured out my heart to God, He reminded me of His presence and patience. I did not receive any answers but His peace was a gift.
The best part of the evening was putting the kids to bed, reading "Goodnight Moon" to Emma and "vegging" with my husband.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Surrender and Silence
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Jackson Dean
Jackson gives amazing hugs. He has a brilliant smile. He is smart. He is loving. He loves God's creation. He has an adventurous spirit. Jackson loves music. He loves to pray. He loves to learn new things. He is messy, but creative. He loves to draw pictures and write stories. He is funny. He loves his family.
I could go on and on. Jackson is not perfect, but he fits perfectly in our family and is such a blessing. I pray that he grows up to be a man after God's own heart.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Time Is Flying
I love the routine of the fall though. The days have a rhythm to them now. I have always picked summer as my favorite time of year, but with every year it seems to be that fall is becoming the new favorite.
But with every year I also see my kiddos get bigger and learn more and become more independent of mommy. That is hard, but God has recently reminded me that in raising them the end result is their release. It makes me pray all the harder that when that time comes they are equipped and confident in who they are and Who is always by their side.
My goal is that in the craziness and routine of life that I will always pray for, with and over these precious gifts and also enjoy those moments when they still want mommy.
Monday, August 18, 2008
A Full Weekend
The best part of the weekend though happened on Sunday afternoon. We came back from camping and went out to Hidden Lake for our church's baptism. Their were about a 100 people who were baptized, including Tammy and Brooke, close friends of ours. It was AWESOME!
But the best...
was that Aaron was baptized. (It still is giving me chills.)
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Quotes from a trip to the State Fair
Jackson (a few miles south of Warsaw while looking at the farms): Where are the animals? They should be out by now.
After one of the many times that they were asked "Are we there yet?" My father told the boys that they were about 4 or 5 miles away, to which Jackson responded: I'll take 4, because it's closer.
At a bathroom stop my mother took the boys with her into a gas station bathroom, after she finished Jack looked at her and said: Yeah, sometimes I wipe my weenie too.
Jack declared that one day he wants to be a farmer. He wanted to see all the animals, so much so that he gave up riding the rides for awhile to do just that. He touched as many animals as he could.
There are many more stories that will come out of this trip I am sure, but these were some of my favorites. Jackson is obviously in a stage of life right now where his responses to things are just downright hilarious.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Olympic Lessons
Through my addiction to Facebook, I discovered that Michael is ADHD and his mom, also an educator, is a huge advocate for kids with ADHD. I too have a son with ADHD and sometimes I get so caught up in just trying to get him (and me) through the day that I fail to remember that he has a future and that God has gifted him in amazing ways.
Last night as I was watching Michael get 2 more gold medals I was struck with the accomplishment of a family not just a child with ADHD. They rode (or swam) through some big and troubling times and have come through those times with amazing love, commitment and successes.
Maybe someday I will have the chance to sit in the sidelines at some event (sporting or otherwise) and be the number one fan of my amazingly gifted child. God creates all of us uniquely and maybe what I see as a challenge today is a gift that will see fulfillment in the future. I guess we will just have to wait and see...
Friday, August 8, 2008
I am married to an amazing man who has shown me and taught me about unconditional love. He truly exemplifies Christ to me. He works hard and spoils me, because he loves me and is committed to our family. I cherish our life together, the good and the bad, the hard times and easy times, in sickness and in health-all of it!
I have 4 amazing children. While there are days when one or more are struggling with attitudes, obedience, kindness, etc...they are still such blessings. They are healthy, intelligent, and great fun to be around. They teach me about God in such subtle ways and then turn around and amaze me with a BIG lesson I needed to learn. Have you seen God in a smile lately? If not, smile at a child and watch them light up. It's an amazing blessing.
God is good. The bank account may not be ideal all the time. The job may not be my dream job. I may feel tired and worn out. The to-do list may seem to never shrink. But God is good and to Him be the glory forever. AMEN!
Saturday, August 2, 2008
The Winds of Change...
Whatever it is, I am sensing that change is about to happen. As a self-confessed control freak I am never at complete peace during these times. Change can be good and sometimes it can be hard and end up hurting.
I find myself asking God a lot of questions right now. My problem is trying to remember to be still and let myself hear His answers. There are things happening around me that in some ways directly affect me and in other ways indirectly affect me. Some of those things are troubling and hurtful and I want to understand.
Who knows what the future holds? Not me, but I do love and trust the only One who does, so for now that should be enough. I am a work in progress with letting that be enough. He has never let me down before, so let the winds start blowing...
Friday, August 1, 2008
Funny things they say and do...
- Stephen singing "Home, Home On the Range" while going to the bathroom at Kohl's.
- Jackson reprimanding Aunt Laura for eating an unwashed blueberry while blueberry picking, "Did you wash that before you ate it?"
- Alex describing a funny but dangerous clip from a tv show and having Jack (again) reprimand him by telling him, "That could have been you, that was dangerous, it was not funny it was dangerous."
- Emma when telling us what a chicken says, not only makes the noise but also hops around and uses her hands to add to the effect, almost like the chicken dance.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Friday Celebration
Here are a few pictures. Enjoy!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Lessons learned from The Gratefulness Experiment
I was thinking about Abraham and Sarah, how in their desire to be parents they got ahead of God's plan by inserting Haggar into the equation. In the end there was discontent and division within a family. I don't want to get ahead of God. I want to be content and grateful that I have a job that allows me to help my family. God is teaching me that His ways and my ways may not look quite the same, but His purposes are bigger and better than mine, and above all I can trust Him.
I just hope I remember this when I go to work tonight. :-)
Day 4
Jackson wasn't too happy about the surprise, he wanted Oreo's, but sadly was told "no, if you want your surprise you have to have the watermelon and be thankful for it." Needless to say, he decided to pass on watermelon.
Stephen again did not finish his whole bowl but had a good attitude throughout lunch. That in and of itself is a huge accomplishment.
Alex is the only one who finished his rice and had watermelon. Considering rice is not one of his favorites he choked it all down just to get to the watermelon. But the accomplishment was that he did it without complaining. He also encouraged the other two to not whine and to be thankful. It was fun to see.
Today (Friday), since I am a day behind in my posts, we are NOT going to have rice. I too am thankful for this. The boys are going to have a picnic lunch with Grandma and then we will head to a local park for some fun times at the splash-pad. If the rain holds off.
It has been a good week for all. We have all learned lessons through this. I will share more on that later. I will also post pictures from our fun-celebration day at a later time.
On a side note, I think rice might be something we go without for a few weeks. :-)
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Day 3
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Day 2 in the Gratefulness Experiment
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
We are giving them 1 bowl of rice and 1 cup of water (no ice) for lunch each day for a week. They do not get seconds and if for some reason they don't want to eat the rice then they must go without.
A few months ago, our children helped raise money to supply rice to kids who don't have much food. These kids often get 1 bowl of rice for the day.
Yesterday was the beginning. The boys did fine. However they don't know that in about 15 minutes they will once again be having rice and water for lunch. We shall see how this goes over the next few days. I will blog this experience for all to share.
The Beginning
I can tell that this may become addictive, but hopefully we will share with others some of the love, laughter, and chaos that occurs regularly in our home.
Family is very important to us. We desire to honor God through our family. Not always successful, but we try.