The kids weren't the only one's who learned something last week in being grateful. I too was confronted with my lack of gratefulness. I currently have a job that I am not thrilled about, it is not my dream job or what I am passionate about, so I have come to resent it. God spoke to me during my devotions one day about being content in all circumstances. He knows the desire of my heart, He is the one that gave me the gifts and desires in the first place, and He also knows exactly how and when those desires will become reality.
I was thinking about Abraham and Sarah, how in their desire to be parents they got ahead of God's plan by inserting Haggar into the equation. In the end there was discontent and division within a family. I don't want to get ahead of God. I want to be content and grateful that I have a job that allows me to help my family. God is teaching me that His ways and my ways may not look quite the same, but His purposes are bigger and better than mine, and above all I can trust Him.
I just hope I remember this when I go to work tonight. :-)
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