Saturday, January 7, 2012

Christmas Pictures (Finally)

Our very simple Christmas tree. It has no decorations on it. Knowing we might move at any time during the holiday forced us to keep things simple. Not a bad thing at all.

Emma enjoyed a very "Girly" Christmas with lots of Rapunzel stuff and a new dollhouse.

We enjoyed a quick Christmas Eve visit from Aaron's parents. They headed out on Sunday after church to go on vacation as a 40th anniversary celebration.

Jack got KNEX Mario Kart race tracks. He got an add on as well.

Alex got a laser tag type game. Grandma and Grandpa thought ahead and got extra guns and targets so all the boys can play. The boys are looking forward to hiding the targets in our new yard and playing outside with it in the spring.

Lot's of building of tracks. (Stephen got a race track too.)
Stephen got a reflex punching bag.

And of course our traditional Jesus birthday cake. This is the true reason we celebrate Christmas. There is no gift that could ever compare.

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