Thursday, April 29, 2010

Today I am Thankful for...

...God moments. He provided me with an amazing opportunity to speak and then lead two Bible study groups in prayer and communion. It happened in a way that only God could have orchestrated.

...healing. God has healed me. I am no longer taking any medications, except an occasional allergy medication. I blogged here about a month and a half ago about the process of blood work and doctor's appointments. After 3-4 years of not sleeping, I am finally sleeping (without any sleep aid) and my energy level is so greatly improved. As I look back over the past month, I realize that God did indeed heal me, what else could have caused my thyroid to go from off the charts hypo to me being over medicated?! He is so good!!!! Through this experience I am learning again about how faithful He is to me and that His love for me is oh so personal-He cares about the details of my life.

1 comment:

Deanna said...

YEA! Praising God for His faithfulness!!! Would definitely love to schedule a time for the four of us to get together once Scott is home and the kiddos are healthy!!!! :)