Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Thought for the day

Well, God is once again stirring the fires of change in our hearts and lives. While there is nothing definite to share, we are fervently seeking God's direction and will. However if you remember this post or this follow up post you will realize that we have been praying for quite a while without clear direction, just knowing that God has been preparing us for some changes.

I am struggling between wanting to know the outcome RIGHT NOW! and resting in the fact that He ALREADY KNOWS. It seems that the changes He may be asking us to make are getting closer. We know that all we can do is be obedient when He speaks to us. We also know that the journey to the point of obedience is to allow us to grow and mature in our relationship with Him and He will not call us until He knows we are ready.

I am asking those of you who know and love us to please join with us in prayer. Pray for wisdom, for clarity (God would have to work mightily and miraculously to bring this change), and for peace with whatever the outcome of this situation. I will let you know what is happening when there is something more definite to share. (But as noted above by past posts, it could take months.)

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