Thursday, August 6, 2009

Today I am Thankful for...

...friends and family who love and care for us.

First of all, we got to spend an amazing week with lots of family. It was such a great time.
Secondly, I apparently sparked quite a stir with my last post. The questions and responses are just another evidence of your love.
To put everyone at ease, there are no current changes on the near horizon. Aaron and I have been talking and discussing a stirring that we have in our hearts. This stirring however is just that, we do not feel any clear direction from God at this point. We feel that maybe it could be as simple as God just wanting us to be closer to Him, or it could be bigger. We have discussed many possibilities: adoption, moving, new jobs, ministry, etc...but our desire is that whatever the future holds, we will be obedient to God's calling in our lives. We also understand that this could be a long process and the fruit of this stirring we are feeling may not be evident for months.
For now, we are enjoying our marriage and family, our small group and extended family, our home, our ministry areas, we are preparing for the kids to return to school, for football season to start, etc...the same old same old. But we are doing it all with a prayerful heart, intentionally watching for God to reveal His plan for us.
Again, thanks for all the concerns and questions. We love you all and are deeply blessed to have such a wonderful group of family and friends.

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