...Andrew James Robertson. He is my new nephew. He was born late last night, weighing 8 lbs 3 oz. and was 20 3/4 inches long. He has a full head of dark hair, his mommy's nose, and her lungs. I look forward to getting to know him as well as watching his mommy and daddy in their new roles.
...Hailey Rose Christner. She is my almost 2 year old niece. She is a beautiful little girl and it is so fun to watch her grow and develop her personality. She lives in Chicago and we don't get to see her face to face as often as we would like to, but her mother is excellent about pictures and videos so in that sense we do get to see her fairly regularly. Her smile is amazing, I am blessed to be her aunt.
...my extended family. (Are you catching a theme today?) I have been amazingly blessed with great in-laws. Family is HUGE to me and the fact that I can hang out and enjoy my extended family brings me such joy. My brother and sister married wonderful people who are friends as well as family. I also feel blessed that my brother-in-law was a friend before we became family and then he married a great girl who I love to spend time with. Does it really get any better? You bet--my father-in-law and mother-in-law are wonderful. I can play golf with my father-in-law and shop with my mother-in-law, two of my favorite activities. Plus they are great babysitters (yes-shameless buttering up). :-)
...my friends who really are just extended family members. I am thankful for my God-parents who still even in my 30's are active in my life. I am also thankful for the group of friends I have who continually show up and encourage and love. It is wonderful to have those friendships and I cherish them greatly.
1 comment:
I am truly thankful for all of you, too! We are very lucky to have all of you as part of our family! We wished we lived closer and could spend more time with you, but we cherish the times we do get to spend with you! We love you guys!
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