Thursday, April 16, 2009

My Sister

My sister who is 6 years younger than me had a baby yesterday. I am a bit protective of her, though she really doesn't need me to be-she is a big girl. Over the past few years we have become best friends, not just sisters.
Yesterday, she also became my hero. I watched her spend many hours in labor and she remained in control through each contraction. I have gone through the process of childbirth a few times and I feel that I can say I know what she was going through. She rocked. I am so proud of her. Even when she "gave in" and got an epidural, I couldn't believe her stamina and determination.
Her baby eventually came by c-section, but even in that moment I still only had admiration for all she went through. She was so strong yesterday. I pray her little boy someday will understand the strength and love of his mommy and that he too will look at her as a hero.

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