Friday, July 25, 2008

Day 4

Well Thursday went really well. The boys did very little complaining. I did offer an incentive to them, if they could eat their lunch without complaining and with a thankful attitude they could have a surprise. Watermelon!!
Jackson wasn't too happy about the surprise, he wanted Oreo's, but sadly was told "no, if you want your surprise you have to have the watermelon and be thankful for it." Needless to say, he decided to pass on watermelon.
Stephen again did not finish his whole bowl but had a good attitude throughout lunch. That in and of itself is a huge accomplishment.
Alex is the only one who finished his rice and had watermelon. Considering rice is not one of his favorites he choked it all down just to get to the watermelon. But the accomplishment was that he did it without complaining. He also encouraged the other two to not whine and to be thankful. It was fun to see.

Today (Friday), since I am a day behind in my posts, we are NOT going to have rice. I too am thankful for this. The boys are going to have a picnic lunch with Grandma and then we will head to a local park for some fun times at the splash-pad. If the rain holds off.
It has been a good week for all. We have all learned lessons through this. I will share more on that later. I will also post pictures from our fun-celebration day at a later time.
On a side note, I think rice might be something we go without for a few weeks. :-)


LRobertson said...

Amazing. It has been cool to think about what it would mean in my life to perform the same type of weekly routine-to really remember how blessed I am. I think this is a GREAT way of illustrating blessings on the boy's lives. Hopefully it will stick like white on rice! Haha! :) Can't wait for the Celebration to begin!

Lindsey said...

Yeah! Good for Alex to eat something he doesn't like in the first place!