Friday, February 4, 2011

Food for the Soul

Well, the past week has been up and down. I have definitely been coming face to face with the fact that my heart had become very hard. What really struck me was how quickly it had happened.

God has been softening me and my heart.He has been gently reminding me of His amazing love for me as well as my great need for Him. It has been much like getting on a bike for the first time in a long time. It's a bit wobbly and unsteady at first, but you've done it before so the ability is still there, it's just a bit rusty.

I have gone to the gospel of John and have begun to work my way through this book again. I am taking just a few verses at a time, but with each group of verses I am asking the Holy Spirit to speak to me. I am asking specifically that He would show me how to live like Christ.

As I write down what I am being shown as well as my thoughts, I am realizing how far I am from reflecting Christ in my life. It would be easy to become bogged down with the reality that Christ is God=perfect and I am human=definitely not perfect. But as I was struggling with those thoughts, God brought to mind the verses of Scripture that speak to "race" we are running, that we are to "press on" toward the goal. I know I will never be perfect here on this Earth, but I will press on and work toward the goal of becoming a reflection of Christ until my time on Earth is done. I want so desperately to hear God say, "Well done, my good and faithful servant." I want to be faithful to Him and His call to walk in Him.

To sum it up here is a verse I read just this morning:
"Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us,
but our sufficiency is from God."
2 Corinthians 3:5

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