Wednesday, December 11, 2013


WOW, it's been three months since last posting. It's hard to believe we are into the holiday season already. To catch you up...we wrapped up the fall soccer season and jumped right into the basketball season, we enjoyed watching two of the boys participate in their first musical production for school, we enjoyed Thanksgiving with our families, and much more.

Our lives are consistently busy these days. The busyness seems to increase with the ages of our children and their involvement in various things. There is not anything that is in our schedules that I would say is bad or wasteful of our time, yet most of our time is filled with some type of activity. We have even said "no" to a few things because it would take away the one night in a week that we are all together at home. The great thing is that the kids are getting old enough for Aaron and I to get out of the house for short times just the two of us. And God provides unexpected moments, like snow days!

Each year during the month of December our family has done an Advent calendar. This is something we have done since Alex and Jack were young. It is the type of calendar with windows that open and tell the Christmas story. As the days of the month would pass we would "retell" each day and then the kids would take turns opening the current day's window. By Christmas, everyone could say the story from memory. The story had become familiar.

This year we are doing something different. With kids being older, as well as the fact that we felt like we were in a rut of familiarity, we found an Advent devotional online and are using it to guide our family through this season. We are really enjoying it so far and it's great because it is a new, fresh and even bigger perspective of the familiar Christmas story.

Advent means arrival or coming. In the days leading up to the birth of Christ, the people of God were looking forward to His arrival-the First Advent.  Today, Advent is traditionally the count down of the four weeks before Christmas, celebrating this first arrival of Jesus. Practically speaking though, Advent should remind us daily to look for His return. We should be using this season of Advent to reset our perspective on Jesus as the center of our lives so we are living a life filled with anticipation and expectation for His second coming.

All too often it is easy to get caught up in the extra busyness of this season, and even in times of reflection on the true meaning of the season we slip into the familiarity of the story. I wonder how often we have heard the passage in Luke 2; maybe even to the point where we could say portions of it from memory. When was the last time that we truly allowed the wonder of this baby born in Bethlehem to penetrate our hearts to the point that we are currently living in anticipation of His return? When was the last time we actually considered the Truth that He is coming again? Does it ever cross our minds in the hectic schedule of our lives? When was the last time the urgency of this Truth changed the way we interacted with people, the way we gave, the way we loved? And shouldn't it?

Friday, September 13, 2013

Birthday Present

Well, to start with, I can't believe it has been almost two months since last posting. We went on vacation, started fall soccer seasons, and the kids have been back in school for a month. It has become very important for our family to take one day at a time. Even though there are some routines that are back in place, there are also many days when we need to be flexible in adapting to a different challenge in our schedules. Oh well, God is good and we are blessed!!

For my birthday (back in June) my husband said we could get family pictures done. (He knows me so well.) We have a friend from church who is working toward having her own photography business. We were hoping to help her out as much as her prices helped us out. :)

Originally we were scheduled to get the pictures taken in mid-July, however storms came through that day. Then due to the kids being in Indiana for two weeks and then our family vacation, had to be pushed back to the end of August.

Here are a few of my favorites, though there are more that I love as well...

Now to getting prints made...

Friday, July 26, 2013

Progression of a storm

Our weather has been like many other's, CRAZY. Last week was filled with high temps and humidity and then the past few days it has been much cooler with low humidity.

Last week we had numerous days where there was a chance of storms and rain (which we could use) but for some reason we had watched a number of them go around us rather than over us. I was able to capture the following storm that moved north of us on Monday. (We did end up getting quite a bit of rain over night.)

It started with a picture of the storm in Lititz to more pictures when we arrived at our home in Ephrata.

Aaron and I sat on the deck and watched this storm move across the sky. At almost the exact same moment we looked at each other and said, "did you see that?" There was a definite rotation to these clouds. It was crazy. And so incredible to see the power of God's creation!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Summer Fun and Adventures

We have been enjoying summer and some of the fun and adventures that come with it. In just a week our kids will head off to Indiana for two weeks. And then after some family time we will head right into pre-season for soccer and the back to school craziness.
Here are some pictures of some of the fun and adventures we have been having...
For my birthday, Emma and I went and got pedicures. It was a fun and relaxing way to begin my birthday weekend. Love the girl time!!

 Stephen and Jackson have both started the orthodontic adventure. Stephen currently has an expander. Jackson is having an appliance put in to keep his teeth where they are so that as soon as two adult teeth come in a full set of braces can be put on.  (We are sure that Alex and Emma will join them on this adventure as well.)


Jackson got his cast off almost two weeks ago. He has been wearing a removable brace to help continue to protect the wrist as the muscles regain some of their flexibility and strength.
We were blessed to have Aaron's brother's family visit over the 4th of July. It's always such fun to have all the cousins together.
For our 14th anniversary, the kids made us a bunch of cookies! They are so good.

 Alex got his first professional haircut in years. And he looks great. This was the result of a compromise between him growing it out and mom and dad being frustrated by the lack of care for any length of hair. :) He is growing up so quickly and now is really looking the part of the teenager.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


For the past few months, I have been feeling a bit discouraged. I was frustrated with God for not bringing me specific opportunities to use the gifts He has given me.

I had an "ah-ha" moment just a few weeks ago: just because He gave me the gifts doesn't necessarily mean He will give me the opportunities. I might have to do a little work to use my gifts.Sometimes I think He is waiting to see just how committed we are to doing what He has planned for us to do. When we begin to show faithfulness in little things and initiative to create opportunities He will often bring us things we may not have expected.

It's a lot like the balance of responsibility and privilege we give our children. We often give them small responsibilities and then as they show they can handle it we add more and in taking on more responsibility there often comes some privileges. If the child can't handle the responsibility we often limit the privilege.

Our Father in Heaven parents us much the same way. He wants to see that we can handle the responsibility that comes with our gifts and calling. So He starts us small. With faithfulness (obedience) comes more responsibility and some privilege. Sometimes this privilege is overwhelmingly joyful and sometimes it is simple and sweet. And sometimes He leads us through the fire of something big and painful. These moments are when He is refining and molding us.

You see as I was in this season of frustration at God for what seemed to be closed doors and walls blocking the path I thought He called me to, I was about to walk through an attack that would beat on my spirit and soul for a few months. I was under attack and have never felt so emotionally and spiritually beat up. It literally felt like something inside of me was bruised. How would I respond?

Thankfully, I kept my mouth shut during a lot of this season and I kept doing the job He has called me to do. I worked hard to give godly responses and to extend grace. There were days though that I wondered if I was doing it all wrong. Maybe I wasn't really called to leadership in ministry. Maybe I wasn't as strong and confident as I thought. Maybe it would be best if I walked away. Or at the very least, maybe I should shout and rage against the lies.

Truth is, I am nothing without Christ. It is only through Him and in Him that I am capable of doing anything. The gifts He has chosen to give me are for His glory and His glory alone. 

After a few months, God mercifully has allowed there to be some reconciliation and the healing process has begun. Starting about a week prior to the meeting for reconciliation through today I have been given multiple opportunities to use my gifts. Honestly, there are a few of them that I have initiated, while there have been others that God has dropped into my lap quite unexpectedly.

As I look back over the past few months, I can see the sovereignty of God. He knew that my frustrations would be met with a challenging time in my life. He knew that the resolution would be met with opportunity. He knew I needed to walk through the hard times so that I would trust Him more deeply. His plan is so much bigger than I ever see. He knows how the pieces all fit together to make a beautiful picture.

I remember a friend of mine had a saying hanging in her bathroom that spoke about our perspective being like that of someone who can only see the bottom side of a tapestry. We see the ends of the thread and the crisscross of colors and stitches that end up looking like one big mess. However, God sees from the perspective of one that is able to view the completed tapestry in all of it's beauty. He sees the purpose of each stitch and each color of thread that is used; for He knows what the completed picture looks like. 

I think that the author of this little poem was missing something though. When a tapestry is completed it is the one who stitched it together that gets the glory. One does not praise the thread or the canvas. Even the praise for the completed piece is temporary, because it is the artist that is given recognition and glory for their work. Without the artist there would be no artwork.

I may never truly know this side of Heaven how connected my frustration and the attack I encountered were entwined. I do know that God is glorified in our obedience.  I am not even 100% sure that the opportunities I am being given are because I "made it through" the past few months, but I do believe that His timing in our lives in perfect. He wants us to walk in faith that His plans are good and trust Him to do what will bring Him the most glory. He is sovereign and good!

Food For Thought...
Do you trust Him to make each stitch (the joyful and the painful) to bring about the beautiful creation He has in mind for you? Are you OK with the process and completion of His work in your life being all about Him and His glory?

Monday, June 10, 2013

End of the year fun!

One of the many end of the year activities we attended was LCS' Sports Awards.
Jackson received the "Mighty in Spirit" award for both teams he played on. This award is given to the athlete who stands out because of their character and spiritual leadership. If our kids ever deserve awards, I pray it is these type of awards every time.
Our "daughter", Carissa graduated from high school. We are very excited about what God has in store for her, but sad that when she heads off to college this fall she will not be around as often.
Soccer seasons have ended. I will post some pictures at a later date with game pictures of all the kids. Jackson ended the soccer season with a splint then cast due to a break in his growth plate.

He will have the cast for 4 weeks. He chose a hot pink cast only because they didn't have purple.
This is a picture of the kids on the last day of school. Ready for summer!!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Enough Already!!

I have had enough! Enough of the hate and the use of "free speech" to express this hatred via social media.

Now, let me just say that as a Christ-follower there are certain things that I hate, because they are evil. Let me also say that I can be very passionate about my beliefs, my personal perspective of issues, etc...  In fact I have strong opinions on current hot topics; such as gay marriage, gun rights, government "scandals" and the media's influence on our society. I even have a strong opinion on the USGA's ruling on the use of anchored putting in golf. (However, unless you engage me in a conversation on these topics you probably won't know my thoughts.)

But back to the reason for my frustration! And I am going to get a bit passionate about something that I have noticed as a growing trend lately among those who call themselves Christ-followers...

The use of social media to spew hatred toward those that think, act, or believe differently. We can say whatever we want; because its America and we have the right to free speech even if it's offensive. (Please know, I am thankful for this freedom, as I am using it right now to convey my heartfelt thoughts.) On social media sites we don't have to filter our words because we can simply block people or de-friend them. (By the way, how is that a friendship?!) We use social media as a tool to point out the sin of others, while forging a persona of one who never sins. This is perpetuating a lie. (I will be the first to admit to you that I get it wrong alot. I fail miserably every day, but by the grace of God I am working on my issues. I am not perfect, in fact I struggle greatly with keeping my opinions in perspective.)

I am all for healthy dialogue and discussion. I have to admit that I occasionally enjoy a good debate. But even then there are parameters that have already been set by God by which we should (or should not) speak. Not only that, He has gone one step further by making it clear that our words are a by-product of our hearts.
Matthew 12:34-37  You nest of poisonous snakes! How can you who are evil say anything good? Your mouths say everything that is in your hearts. A good man says good things. These come from the good that is put away inside him. An evil man says evil things. These come from the evil that is put away inside him. But here is what I tell you. On judgment day, people will have to account for every careless word they have spoken. By your words you will be found guilty or not guilty

So when we declare hatred and intolerance toward those that are far from God, how do we reconcile that to a heart that desires what God desires? Jesus said clearly that He came "to seek and to save those that were lost." (Luke 19:10) Through His ministry He made it clear that sins should be confronted and addressed, but also forgiven. His heart desires that no one be lost but that all people be reconciled to the Father (2 Peter 3:9-my paraphrase). So when we speak words of hatred because of a personal difference, I struggle to understand how this represents Jesus' heart for those people. Do we desire just to make a point or do we care about the souls of others?

Our words have great power, the power of life and death (Proverbs 18:21). In James chapter 3, he speaks about the power of the tongue to cause destruction. Do we truly grasp the power of our words? On those who don't yet know Christ? On those we say are our brothers and sisters? On ourselves? Let's truly count the cost!

Instead of spewing hatred (under the guise of just simply expressing our opinions), what if we used words that pointed people to Love=Jesus? I don't think God wants us to be completely silent on controversial issues, but God is big enough to handle all of those issues and more. He has the power to change a person's heart and bring them to repentance. A person's heart is changed by the power of the Holy Spirit at work within them, but our words have the power to point them toward that power or drive them away from it-life or death.

So are we willing to allow the Holy Spirit to convict us and lead us to repentance for our hardness of heart? Because bottom line that's what it is, a hard heart. And we will be held accountable for the words we say, every careless word. So how do we practically filter those thoughts and words that can so easily come pouring out?

My suggestion is a God-given filter...
Philippians 4:8-9 Brothers and sisters, think about the things that are good and worthy of praise. Think about the things that are true and honorable and right and pure and beautiful and respected. Do what you learned and received from me, what I told you, and what you saw me do. And the God who gives peace will be with you.
If we fill our hearts with good things, with things that are true, right, pure, etc... then we will DO. I believe that this includes what we say. If you have strong opinions on ANYTHING (which we all have one or two) and you are considering saying something, filter it through Philippians 4:8. Does it really fit? Does it convey that you are a follower of Christ? Speak Truth, but do it in Love!

And if all else fails, follow the rule..."if you can't say anything nice, do not say anything at all."

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Have you seen my baby?

Where did this little boy go?


He is now this amazing young man...

Alex is 13 (and one week). A teenager.
*Though I must admit the reality of the brevity of time remaining is kicking into high gear. In three years he will be driving and in five he will be graduating from high school.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Finally! Spring Pictures!

Here are the kids on Easter Sunday. They all picked out their own outfits again this year.
I love the colors!

Emma is loving soccer. After watching her brothers play she has a good grasp of the game. She also has no fear when she plays, a by-product of playing with her brothers.

Stephen is playing on a U10 team and is doing really well. He has scored numerous goals already this season. He also played in the goal during one game and did such a good job, saving his team from a huge loss!

Alex and Jack are playing on the same team this spring. They were "recruited" by the coach and the team is glad they are playing. Jackson is the leading scorer for the team and Alex is a great leader on the field. Both of them have gained tons of confidence and are playing really well. In their last game the two of them had all of the goals to lead their team to it's first win.

Stephen recently competed in the school Speech Meet and received a Superior Ribbon for his recitation of Matthew 5 1-12.

Monday, April 8, 2013


I can't believe it has been almost two months since I last posted. WOW! In the past two months quite a bit has happened...

we packed, moved, unpacked (except for a few boxes)...

Stephen and I went to Florida for a quick trip...

we had our annual Egg Hunt with helicopter drop at the church...

soccer practices and games have begun...

church softball practices started...

and much more.

There is always a lot going on in our lives it seems. However, even in this busyness we are enjoying moments of slowing down and enjoying each other. There is a community park and elementary school just up the street from our new home and so we walk there and spend time playing together. It has been fun to throw a football together, play 3 on 3 soccer, and even play some rounds of tag. We also have been enjoying the warmer weather and grilling on our deck. While the food has been cooking, Aaron and I have enjoyed just sitting and talking. We also watched a beautiful sunset together last night. With practices for multiple teams at multiple fields it has also allowed for time in the car with my kiddos. As my kids get older, I am enjoying these moments (and attempting to take advantage of them) as a time to talk about life with them.

These are the moments that are important. The moments together. The moments of laughter. The moments of open dialogue. The moments of shared silence. Moments that are precious. Moments that are what memories are really made of, where character is developed, love is grown and life is truly lived to the fullest.

Monday, February 11, 2013


Sunrise is Paris. It was a cold and windy day, but the sunrise was spectacular!

The kids checking out the city from the Eiffel Tower.

A look at the city of Paris from the Eiffel Tower.

The view from the other side.

For Emma, this was the moment she had been waiting for, a picture at the Eiffel Tower.

The kids in front of Notre Dame. This cathedral is amazing in structure, but so empty of hope inside.  It was so sad to walk through and know that for many it was simply an amazing architectural structure and for others it was a place of empty worship. I wanted to shout, "There is hope! He's alive!"

A coffee in a Paris. For me this was my dream come true!

Arc De Triomphe

A true tourist photo-op. :)

We started and ended our day in Paris at the Eiffel Tower. It was beautiful at night.