Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Alex's Acting Debut

Who is it on stage?
There was singing, dancing, sweeping, and acting.
He did a great job!

Curtain Call!!!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Help Bail Me Out!

I am going to jail for MDA.
Please help me raise my bail!
(It's tax-deductible.)
You can donate online here.
Tell your friends, family or co-workers.
I appreciate the help.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Today I am Thankful for... job. Which I will leave in 2 hours and go to my warm, comfortable home. home. Where my tired body will find the couch and a blanket. couch and soft blanket. Which will help warm me up (I have been cold for two days now.). kids. Who I am sure will entertain me and some may even cuddle with me on the couch. husband who is taking charge of supper (though it may end up being hot dogs and chips).

...for the life I have been blessed to live. It sure is a blessing to reflect on these things on a rainy day like today. God is good!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Value and Significance

I have been challenged in the past few days to look long and hard at myself. (Not always pretty.) I have been thinking about the fear of insignificance. (We all struggle at some point with wondering if we matter, if anyone would miss us if we were gone, if anyone truly notices us when we are here.)

A few years ago, I struggled greatly with trying to find my significance in things or others. It didn't work all that well. I now know who I am and that I am loved and beautiful to God, though there are days when it seems all to easy to give into the fear of insignificance.

The difference in what I feel is challenging me in regards to this fear is how many times I may cause someone else to feel valueless. OUCH! I wonder how often my reaction to something or my tone of voice or my body language conveys to my kids or my husband that they aren't valuable. When Aaron does something in a different way than I would have done it, do I focus and react in such a way that shows I think his way was wrong and dispensable or do I focus on the end result and that he accomplished a task-ultimately for my benefit? When my kids do something that isn't right on, do I lose it and make them feel tiny or do I build them up and encourage them to do better?

It is scary to me when I stop to think about it. I fail miserably at this. I play into other people's fear of insignificance. I have the power to change that. I can help the one's I love most find their value and significance. I have the power to do that with total strangers as well. (The cashier, the waitress, the demanding client, the person who believes they are entitled to anything we can offer them, etc...)

Whose significance and value can you increase today?

Monday, March 22, 2010

I love these guys!

Staircase siblings!
Safety first!

Aren't they wonderful?!!!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Growth is Good!

I don't know if this is something that only I have struggled with or if it universal...

I used to think that when I learned something about God, the Bible, or my spiritual life that it was taboo to share it (like I should have already arrived), especially if was something fairly basic or simple.

However, I am realizing that it is fun to learn and relearn some of these basic faith building concepts. I love being overwhelmed over and over again with how much He loves me. I am also realizing that I don't have to have all the answers, and maybe some of my answers aren't actually 100% correct. The point is that I am searching the Bible and asking God to reveal new truths and concepts to me. And He is faithful, because He wants nothing more than to have a growing relationship with me as well.

Sometimes we need to humble ourselves before God and others and be vulnerable. We should never come to a point where we are not trying to learn and develop our relationship with God. It's OK to not know the answer, as long as this is driving you to find the answers in His Word. I hope and pray that you are learning and growing in your relationship with God. It is fun, rewarding, and the greatest accomplishment you will ever achieve in this lifetime.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Faith vs. Fear

Have you ever stopped to think about how self serving fear is? Our fears are firmly rooted in ourselves and our well being. Yes, there is a healthy fear. This is the fear that keeps us from burning ourselves on a hot pot or walking out into traffic or keeping our kids from running with scissors. Fear can create healthy boundaries for us in our lives.

However, when you give your fear power, you have in essence taken your eyes off of God and focused them on yourself. Thus creating a lack of faith in God's ability to take care of you and your circumstances.

I just started a new Bible study based on Max Lucado's book: Fearless. I decided to do the study though I didn't really think I feared very much.

I was stretched (in the first chapter) to think about my control issues. Control is a reaction to fear. So what am I fearful of and how can I surrender those fears to God so that I no longer have the "need to be in control"?

I am still processing this quite honestly. I am not sure if I will figure it all out in this lifetime. I know that I have some valid reasons that have caused me to be controlling and fearful, but I also know that I serve and love a God who wants me to walk in complete surrender to Him. That full surrender requires me to let go of the past, the hurts, the fears and trust in Him. It requires faith. And He has proved His faithfulness to me time and time again. So the question is: Why can't I or why don't I give up my fears?

When I find myself slipping into "control mode" I am looking to see what fear is present in my life at the time. I am beginning to ask the Lord to "increase my faith." And to remind me that "perfect love casts out fear."

Thursday, March 11, 2010

God is Good!

I have spent the past few days struggling with my latest blood work results. Two months ago my blood work showed hypothyroidism (an under active thyroid). I then began taking medication to help correct this problem. After two months of being on the medication I wasn't seeing any great improvement in my fatigue and general well being. I just figured I would need to have the medication adjusted again.

I had my blood work redone last week and then went to the doctor this past Monday. I was totally taken off guard when he told me that we were now over medicating the thyroid. WHAT?! Needless to say I feel really bad for the doctor, because I just sat there and cried. (The good news in all of the blood work was that my cholesterol is at normal levels for the first time in about 7-8 years--without medication.)

My poor doctor felt like he had failed me and felt bad that he couldn't make things right. But as I spent the trip back home and all day Tuesday going through the roller coaster of emotions and spending tons of time praying, it was like a light bulb went off in my mind. I had prayed and been prayed for that I would be completely healed. Is that what happened? I don't know for sure.

I have begun to wonder if I have been healed in the spiritual realm and now my human body has to catch up to that healing. If so, praise God. He is good.

If that is not what has happened, that is OK too. I have come to the realization that I have allowed my "feelings" to rule my life for the past two years. I have had enough of the drama surrounding my health. I may not sleep through the night ever again. I may never feel completely rested ever again. But that is OK. I know the One who will sustain me, who controls all things and works all things for His good. I will live my life full of joy in Him and in the salvation He has given me. He is good.

Healed or not, I am thankful for God's love and His strength. I will be joyful. God is so good and His love is so amazing.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Who Am I?

I am a child of God.

Before time (which I can't even comprehend) He chose to create this world. He knew (He is omniscient-all knowing) before He even created a single thing, that Adam and Eve would sin. He knew. He could have decided to do something different. He didn't. He knew that the world would become messy and ugly. He knew. And yet, even knowing how it would all end up, He created. He formed and created you and me. He loved us so much that even though He knew it would end up this way He wanted to provide a way out. He loved you and me so much He knew He would have to send redemption in the form of His only Son. He knew what it would cost and His love for you and me was so great that He believed it was worth the cost. We are worth the price that was paid for us. He loved us that much!

Who am I? I am loved by my Creator, my Saviour, my Lord, and God. I am His child. He loves me. I am worth the price paid for me.

May I live worthy of the price. May I live as a child of the KING OF KINGS!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Thankful for...

...the opportunity to teach last night. It was incredible. I wasn't nervous at all. At one point I actually got a little concerned that I wasn't nervous.

I felt a little "disjointed" with my teaching but as I prayed after I walked off the stage, I kept believing God's faithfulness to show up, in spite of me. And from the encouragement I have received, He did indeed show up. He is so good.

I love to teach and last night was a God moment for me as I felt calm and at ease being in front of a mixed crowd. :-)

But the best part of the entire experience was being able to enjoy the prayers and love of my family and friends. The support before and after I spoke was absolutely amazing. God has blessed me with an amazing support system and for that I am so very, very grateful.

Monday, March 1, 2010


Hope is powerful. Hope can cause a dark and gloomy day to be an invitation to live joyously. Hope can make the darkness not seem so dark.

For me today hope was the birds singing. They were chirping as if the trees were already in bloom, the grass was already green and the sky was blue. However, the reality is that it is grey and brown everywhere. As I sat at a stoplight, listening to the birds I realized how energized I was just by the hope of spring. I realized that hope provided me with a chance to have a positive day rather than being sucked into the depression the day looked to offer originally.

Hope is powerful. And the greatest part is that we have been given something greater than birds singing. We have been given the hope of salvation and life eternally with Christ. That hope produces joy and life to those who expectantly wait.