Thursday, May 7, 2009

Today I am Thankful for...

...prayer. It is the National Day of Prayer and as I was listening to Focus on the Family this morning, it was cool to hear various people pray for our country. I could hear the passion and desire within their voices as they cried out to God. It brought tears to my eyes a few times. We have been given such a gift to be able to have a relationship, involving active conversation, with our Creator, God and Savior.

...thunderstorms and sunshine. I love thunderstorms. And I love sunshine. We had both today. This morning there were rumbles of thunder and then this afternoon the sun was shining. I love springtime. mom. Mother's Day is Sunday and I want to give a "shout out" to my mom. I have been blessed with a mother who I know has consistently prayed for me and loved me even during the ugly times. She is a beautiful woman. She loves God and others well. She loves my husband like he was her son and she is a wonderful grandmother to my children. She plans family gatherings with great food, but the fellowship and laughter around the table is what is best. (And she's a great cook so that's saying something about the environment she has created for our family.) My mom is someone I look up to and love more and more with each year. She is someone that I hope to be like. She is constantly seeking God and I love that she sets that example for me, my siblings, my children, her small group of young girls and the women she teaches each Sunday. God has blessed me immensely by giving me the mom He did. I am so thankful for her.
I love you mom!

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