Thursday, April 23, 2009

Today I am Thankful for...

...sunshine, glorious sunshine. Need I say more?!


These pictures are from Monday evening. As you can tell by the dark sky, it had been a dreary and crazy day of weather. We had sunshine, hail, rain, cold, warm, and RAINBOWS. It is such an amazing picture of God. He continues to prove faithful even in the darkest of days. I love how he chooses to remind us of His goodness-His creation does clearly show the world His invisible qualities (Romans 1:20).

...patience. If you know me you are probable rereading that first word. :-) Yes, it says patience. I ask God each day to give me what I need to love others well. To love my children well, it often comes in the form of patience. This morning, one of my children was having a tough time and I know that the patience God gave me helped to create a great and fun situation rather than a messy volatile one (which unfortunately can be typical for me). It was great that after the morning he had, he very intentionally came to me and said "I love you Mom!"

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