Tuesday, September 11, 2012


...yours and mine may be different. We often see things differently because we have had different experiences and are in different circumstances. So when something happens we often see those situations through our own filtered lens. Or we take a stand (have a perspective) on something based on limited facts or knowledge. When someone is going through something we have never experienced we see it through the lens of "well if it were me...", which again is based in our own past and present.

Sometimes the perspective of others is helpful in gathering a full picture or because we arent' seeing something clearly. It can be a catalyst for change and growth within our own lives. Sometimes the perspective of others can be damaging and hurtful when shared without thought or knowledge of the facts. Perspective is often a very personal thing and not often a completely shared view.

However, I believe that there is one accurate perspective to hold onto no matter what the situation is and that perspective is JESUS! No matter what we are encountering we must keep our eyes fixed on Him. If life is good, bad, or somewhere in between we must strive to maintain a Jesus perspective. Not just in the big things but in every aspect of our lives.

I read the following quote in my Bible study the other day and it struck me in regard to this very issue:
We may be captured, but we may be rescued. We may see horrors, but we may see wonders. We may lose our heads, but we cannot lose our souls. The stakes are up. The fire is lit. It's time to live like those who cannot die.-Beth Moore
So for the person struggling with overwhelming fear and anxiety; it could be that life will throw that curve ball you are paralyzed by the simple thought of or you might see God provide a different outcome. No matter what, it's all about Jesus. And if you really believe Him, you cannot lose Him. "To live is Christ, to die is gain." (Philippians 1:21) Is Jesus that valuable to you?

For the friend struggling to maintain a Christian perspective in the midst of taking a political stand, it's all about Jesus. We live in a sinful world that doesn't get it, so we shouldn't expect them to be different. We are called to live like Christ, not like a Republican or Democrat. We may see our freedoms restricted or too many freedoms given, but the ultimate rescue is coming. Do people know you by your love for Jesus and others or by your political stand (which is often the bashing of the other political party)?

For the friend so very excited about the finalization of their daughter's adoption, it's still all about Jesus. He has proven Himself to be wonderful in the midst of the pain of struggling to have children. He has provided! (Not necessarily the way you might have chosen, but He answered your prayer to be a parent.) To Him be all the glory.

For the person who can't seem to see eye to eye with a co-worker, it is all about Jesus. It may be tough and it may cost your ego, but you gain the soul filling blessing of being obedient and working for Him. (Colossians 3:17, 23-24)

I believe the enemy is active and he senses that his time is running out. I think he is working hard to discourage and cloud our perspective in so many areas of our lives. The stakes are getting higher and higher. The fire is lit and it may even start to burn a bit.

No matter what we encounter we must remember that we have been purchased from death to life. Now let's focus our eyes on Jesus, adjust our perspective based upon Him (no matter what other's think or say) and then LIVE LIKE THOSE WHO CANNOT DIE!!

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