We did something different with the boys last week. In an attempt to help them stay sharp for school we asked them to write a paper. However, in an attempt to challenge them spiritually as well as to give us a better handle on their perception of spiritual things, we made the topic of the paper be their personal testimony.
Yes, we had to explain what a testimony is and what it should contain. And yes, there were a few groans about "homework". We gave them two days to think about it and write it. (Yes, Emma had homework too. Her's was simply to write the alphabet, upper and lower case. She did this very well.)
Well, it was due Sunday night. And they were all turned in on time. Let's just say we may have to work on some more school sharpening skills but the content gave us a glimpse into our children's beliefs. And that left us challenged. Challenged to help them, pray for them, and create an better environment for them to grow in their relationship with God.
Often we wonder if our kids "get it" when it comes to God. Yes, they are kids, but as Christ-followers there should still be evidence of God. And honestly, lately there has been a bit of concern as to who our kids are serving; by all external evidences it seems to be themselves. (But it also begs the question: what do people think of my life and who I choose to serve? I hope they see Jesus, but all too often they would probably see a selfish and self serving person.)
We had a time of discussion before bed on Sunday night and it started with the questions: "Do you need Jesus?", "Do I need Jesus?", "Since mommy and daddy have good jobs, we have a house, we have two cars, we have video games, clothes, food, then why do we need Jesus?" WOW!!! My husband sure brought the conviction! Jesus is more than our ticket to Heaven, He desires a relationship with us and is calling us to be like Him. We can't do that on our own. We need Jesus.
If we really believe that Jesus is who He says He is and if we believe the Bible is Truth, then our lives should look different. We should be transformed. We should be set apart. We should be in this world but not of this world.
We are challenging our kids to develop their relationship with God now and not when they are older. But honestly, we are finding ourselves challenged as well. "Why do I need Jesus?" In this culture it is easy to slip into self sustaining and self serving mindsets. This question, if seriously considered, should be life changing.
So...Why do you need Jesus?
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