...if you choose to advertise your political, religious, or any other type of belief on your car, you should probably consider the way you drive. We've all been there...we see someone with a "Honk if you love Jesus" bumper sticker (or similar) and then we watch in horror as they do everything but "love Jesus" and His creation with their actions.
I was very frustrated yesterday with someone who was one of the rudest drivers I had seen in quite awhile (and I just drove 1200 miles in the past week on major highways). He disregarded every common courtesy of driving. On the back of his truck he had plastered his very strong political beliefs. And I do mean strong. There were bumper stickers that were rude and appalling in their stand for a political party. Honestly, the rudeness of the bumper stickers were enough to make me a bit opposed to the party in question. But the way the driver handled himself just led to me thinking very negatively about that political party.
Originally I was going to post something on Facebook about this gentlemen. But then as I thought about it I realized that if I am going to advertise that I am a Christ-follower, I need to be careful in my thoughts, words, and actions. You see I may not have a bumper sticker on me but I am advertising my God in what I say and do.
So why share this story here? Well, I hope that you will see from my experience an opportunity to evaluate yourself. Who are you advertising? Are people who are watching you being drawn to God or put off because of you?
Maybe having a bumper sticker or a sign of some kind on your car is a good reminder that you need to be aware of your actions as you represent God. But bumper sticker or not, we should all be aware that we are bearing fruit of who we represent. Do your actions and mine reflect God: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control? Or are our actions reflecting the opposite, which advertises ourselves?
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
We did something different with the boys last week. In an attempt to help them stay sharp for school we asked them to write a paper. However, in an attempt to challenge them spiritually as well as to give us a better handle on their perception of spiritual things, we made the topic of the paper be their personal testimony.
Yes, we had to explain what a testimony is and what it should contain. And yes, there were a few groans about "homework". We gave them two days to think about it and write it. (Yes, Emma had homework too. Her's was simply to write the alphabet, upper and lower case. She did this very well.)
Well, it was due Sunday night. And they were all turned in on time. Let's just say we may have to work on some more school sharpening skills but the content gave us a glimpse into our children's beliefs. And that left us challenged. Challenged to help them, pray for them, and create an better environment for them to grow in their relationship with God.
Often we wonder if our kids "get it" when it comes to God. Yes, they are kids, but as Christ-followers there should still be evidence of God. And honestly, lately there has been a bit of concern as to who our kids are serving; by all external evidences it seems to be themselves. (But it also begs the question: what do people think of my life and who I choose to serve? I hope they see Jesus, but all too often they would probably see a selfish and self serving person.)
We had a time of discussion before bed on Sunday night and it started with the questions: "Do you need Jesus?", "Do I need Jesus?", "Since mommy and daddy have good jobs, we have a house, we have two cars, we have video games, clothes, food, then why do we need Jesus?" WOW!!! My husband sure brought the conviction! Jesus is more than our ticket to Heaven, He desires a relationship with us and is calling us to be like Him. We can't do that on our own. We need Jesus.
If we really believe that Jesus is who He says He is and if we believe the Bible is Truth, then our lives should look different. We should be transformed. We should be set apart. We should be in this world but not of this world.
We are challenging our kids to develop their relationship with God now and not when they are older. But honestly, we are finding ourselves challenged as well. "Why do I need Jesus?" In this culture it is easy to slip into self sustaining and self serving mindsets. This question, if seriously considered, should be life changing.
So...Why do you need Jesus?
Yes, we had to explain what a testimony is and what it should contain. And yes, there were a few groans about "homework". We gave them two days to think about it and write it. (Yes, Emma had homework too. Her's was simply to write the alphabet, upper and lower case. She did this very well.)
Well, it was due Sunday night. And they were all turned in on time. Let's just say we may have to work on some more school sharpening skills but the content gave us a glimpse into our children's beliefs. And that left us challenged. Challenged to help them, pray for them, and create an better environment for them to grow in their relationship with God.
Often we wonder if our kids "get it" when it comes to God. Yes, they are kids, but as Christ-followers there should still be evidence of God. And honestly, lately there has been a bit of concern as to who our kids are serving; by all external evidences it seems to be themselves. (But it also begs the question: what do people think of my life and who I choose to serve? I hope they see Jesus, but all too often they would probably see a selfish and self serving person.)
We had a time of discussion before bed on Sunday night and it started with the questions: "Do you need Jesus?", "Do I need Jesus?", "Since mommy and daddy have good jobs, we have a house, we have two cars, we have video games, clothes, food, then why do we need Jesus?" WOW!!! My husband sure brought the conviction! Jesus is more than our ticket to Heaven, He desires a relationship with us and is calling us to be like Him. We can't do that on our own. We need Jesus.
If we really believe that Jesus is who He says He is and if we believe the Bible is Truth, then our lives should look different. We should be transformed. We should be set apart. We should be in this world but not of this world.
We are challenging our kids to develop their relationship with God now and not when they are older. But honestly, we are finding ourselves challenged as well. "Why do I need Jesus?" In this culture it is easy to slip into self sustaining and self serving mindsets. This question, if seriously considered, should be life changing.
So...Why do you need Jesus?
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Lately, I don't just feel tired, I feel weary. It's not just physical; it is mental, emotional, and even spiritual. Some of it is the result of having had a crazy schedule from January thru June and still feeling like I need to catch my breathe, all while looking toward a busy fall. Some of it is the result of living in a "keep busy" world. (Though thankfully to look at our calendar right now it's not that full.) And then some of it is the spiritual battle of ministry and the pressure that can create.
As I was talking to a friend the other day about just feeling so weary and that in truth it isn't always a bad weary, I realized I was actually complaining. This led to the knowledge that I need to address this issue and work to not complain. So I began to pray about my attitude.
The next day as I was watching my coffee brew, I was again talking to God about the weariness I felt at the beginning of my day and that I wasn't sure I could (or wanted to) make it through work. And then I very clearly heard Him speak to me...
As I was talking to a friend the other day about just feeling so weary and that in truth it isn't always a bad weary, I realized I was actually complaining. This led to the knowledge that I need to address this issue and work to not complain. So I began to pray about my attitude.
The next day as I was watching my coffee brew, I was again talking to God about the weariness I felt at the beginning of my day and that I wasn't sure I could (or wanted to) make it through work. And then I very clearly heard Him speak to me...
"Come to me""Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28)
"I will give you rest"
Ah, the release and peace that we are given when we "come". But I was reminded in that moment that it starts with a choice of my own to come to Him. He won't take the burdens and supply the rest until I come.
I was reminded that Jesus took time to go to His Father to be refreshed and renewed. He often went off to pray and be away from the crowds. I believe He found rest in those times with His Father.
So I am working to make the choice to "come to Him" each time the weariness begins to affect my attitude. This means taking some quiet time, alone time with Him. Finding rest and quiet away from the busyness and crowds. This is rest for my soul, which in turn provides rest to my whole being.
Do you feel weary or burdened? Have you come to Jesus with it? The next verse says to "Take His yoke upon you and learn from Him." You have to set down your "stuff" first. Let's work to lay down our busyness and pick up what matters to Him. I think it will give our souls a much needed rest.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
13 years ago today, we said "I do!"
I don't think that either of us really had any idea what that meant.
We have four children.
We have moved 6 times, including a 600 mile move.
We have made mistakes.
We have seen God work in amazing ways.
We have worked hard on making our relationship a priority.
We strive to keep God at the center of our home.
(above picture was taken for our 10th anniversary)
13 years ago, we said "I do!"
And we would do it all over again.
May God continue to grow us and mold us into the couple that He desires us to be. To Him be all the glory!
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