Lately in various ways I am being reminded that perspective is a powerful influencer. Our perspective is not always accurate. In fact sometimes it is downright wrong. Often times our incorrect perspective is tainted by our assumptions about the "rest of the story" or by misunderstanding. Sometimes our perspective is clouded by "the moment" and the difficulty of our situation.
As the Director of a ministry area, my perspective is different than that of a parent or volunteer. My perspective as the "newbie" on staff is different than those who have been on staff for a few years. In these situations it would be easy to discount the perspective of others and only consider what I think to be best. Over the past few weeks I have intentionally sought out others who have different perspectives to help me form policies and procedures that can be effective.
But the fact of the matter is that my perspective is just that MINE and the perspective of those I have sought out is THEIRS. My goal should be to have the perspective of Christ. I should be trying to see others through His eyes, loving others with His love, serving others by His power. When my eyes are fixed on Him, I find that my perspective on things in this world shifts. I don't see agendas, to do lists or disgruntled people. I see a purpose and a plan that He is putting together. I see hurting people in need of love.
It's interesting because God used a vine to remind me of this idea. You see in the landscaping at our rental house there was this very weird looking vine. As Aaron and I were looking at it, we actually talked about getting rid of it.
The sad thing is that on that day I could only see a part of the plan for this vine. Had I gone ahead and gotten rid of this bizarre looking plant I would have missed the big picture and potential of this plant. The beauty that this plant held.
I am so glad that God has a broad and eternal picture of each of us. I am so glad that His perspective of us and our lives is not shaped by a bad day, but rather by the potential and plan He has in store for us. I too want to have a broader perspective as I deal with people or develop curriculum or design a set or bulletin board. I want to have the mind and attitude of Christ. I want to reach my potential for Him.
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