Thursday, September 30, 2010
Tropical Storm Nicole
Monday, September 27, 2010
As her brothers were getting in trouble (to Daddy): "They don't listen very well." (pause) "I have trouble with that sometimes too."
A storm came in right at bedtime and the kids and I talked about how big God is and that He is watching out for us and protecting us. We prayed that God would cover our house with His hand. The next day: "Daddy, did you see God's hand on our house last night?"
She was hanging out at work with me for a bit and we were having a staff meal so she joined me. My boss came up and said, "Emma, can I sit with you?" To which she looked at him and growled. "GRRRRRRRR"
She is really into dress up again though it is usually with accessories. Her favorite thing to do is wear her dress up high heels and jewelry. She showed Daddy her beautiful outfit and he lifted her up onto the couch. He was teasing her about her shoes being on the couch, to which she replied, "Daddy these are NOT outside shoes. They are for pretty."
She was supposed to be taking a nap but was playing, so I stood in the doorway to watch. She was playing with her princess barbies. She lifted up Cinderella's dress and in a shocked voice said, "Cinderella has a butt!"
Oh yeah, that's my girl. She is almost 4 going on 12. She definitely keeps us all laughing. We love her and her "-isms" to pieces.
Friday, September 24, 2010
A rambling post
Monday, September 20, 2010
Psalm 25
Lord, I worship you.
My God, I trust in you.
Don't let me be put to shame.
Don't let my enemies win the battle over me.
Those who put their hope in you
will never be put to shame.
But those who can't be trusted
will be put to shame. They have no excuse.
Lord, show me your ways.
Teach me how to follow you.
Guide me in your truth. Teach me.
You are God my Savior.
I put my hope in you all day long.
Lord, remember your great mercy and love.
You have shown them to your people for a long time.
Don't remember the sins I committed when I was young.
Don't remember how often I refused to obey you.
Remember me because you love me.
Lord, you are good.
The Lord is honest and good.
He teaches sinners to walk in his ways.
He shows those who aren't proud how to do what is right.
He teaches them his ways.
All of the Lord's ways are loving and faithful
for those who obey what his covenant commands.
Lord, be true to your name.
Forgive my sin, even though it is great.
Who is the man who has respect for the Lord?
God will teach him the way he has chosen for him.
Things will always go well for him.
His children will be given the land.
The Lord shares his plans with those who have respect for him.
He makes his covenant known to them.
My eyes always look to the Lord.
He alone can set my feet free from the trap.
Turn to me and show me your favor.
I am lonely and hurting.
The troubles of my heart have increased.
Set me free from my great pain.
Look at how I'm hurting! See how much I suffer!
Take away all of my sins.
Look at how many enemies I have!
See how terrible their hatred is for me!
Guard my life. Save me.
Don't let me be put to shame.
I go to you for safety.
May my honest and good life keep me safe.
I have put my hope in you.
God, set Israel free
from all of their troubles!
This weekend our senior pastor resigned and our church is now processing this loss. This is the passage that I have been dwelling on over the past few days. May you be blessed by it as well, no matter what kind of day or week you are facing.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Today I am thankful for...
...the lunch date I had with my daughter, in which I found out that she thought her Uncle Ben was sick. Why else would we always talk about doctors when we talk about Ben? It was humorous to see the light come on when she realized the HE is the doctor.
...the time I had on the phone with a friend earlier this week. She is also in Children's Ministry and it was fun and encouraging to talk things thru with her.
...scented candles that help to cover the smell of pigs (our rental house is right next to a hog farm). If the smell is outside and even when the wind changes direction and the windows are open it's usually not that big of a deal, but every once in a while the smell lingers in the house. (Plus add in the smell of growing boys who have gym every other day-WHEW!!) Candles are my friend.
...the blessing of being a mother. It is the hardest job I have but it is the most rewarding. I wouldn't trade it for anything in this world. I love my children and I am so thankful for the blessing each one is to me.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Weekend Ramblings
I am thankful the weekend is here though. But as our weekend took off things took a turn that we weren't planning on. My Grandfather ended up in the hospital for the second time this week. So my Friday evening ended up being busy with checking on him in the hospital as well as taking care of his car. (He was rather distressed that it was still in the eye doctor parking lot with the windows open a bit.) I spent a good portion of my evening going up and down 501. (Major road thru Lititz.)
Today has been good so far. Other family and friends are taking care of checking on Grandpa as I wait to see what the doctors say. If they discharge him, I will be going to get him later, so for now we are hanging out at home, close to our phones.
We are looking forward to some good tennis (US Open) and then a good football game this afternoon. GO BIG BLUE!!!
I have had a twitch in my eye for about a week and it is really getting on my nerves. I also must have pulled a muscle during the move and my arm is still a bit sore at times. Maybe I should be in the hospital too. :-0
Tomorrow is a work day for me and while I love my job, it is the most stressful day of the week. I am glad that the NFL season is upon us as I am looking forward to finding a sweet spot on the couch tomorrow afternoon. GO PACK!
Anyway, no matter what the next few hours or days hold, I am thankful for my family. We have been enjoying time together today and I really couldn't think of a better way to spend the weekend.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Labor Day Weekend (and a party)
Friday, September 3, 2010
Jack is 9!!!
In honor of Jack's day, here is the Jackson Top Nine:
- His laugh. It is seriously the best laugh there ever was.
- His sense of humor. He is silly and bizarre.
- His love of all of God's creation.
- His heart for others. He has a gift to connect with other children and people, young and old.
- His self confidence. He is not intimidated by anyone or anything. He knows who he is and is confident in himself.
- His love of animals. He is happiest when he is learning about animals and not just everyday animals but special species. He can rattle off bizarre and interesting information about a lot of animals.
- His laid back, care free spirit. Very rarely does he get uptight or upset about things.
- His hugs. He squeezes hard and in those hugs you know you are loved by this precious boy.
- His prayers. He always volunteers to pray and boy can this kid pray. His prayers are from his heart.
There are many more things that make Jackson who he is. I thank God for the joy and blessing of being his mother. I look forward to seeing all that God has in store for him. I believe that he has the amazing potential to do amazing things for the Kingdom of God, I look forward to seeing it happen.
Happy 9th Birthday Jackson!!!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Today I am thankful for...
...the routine that school brings. I love having a schedule. We all seem to do better as a family when there are consistent expectations.
...hurricane Earl coming up the coast. While I am praying for the safety of the many of people being directly affected, I am thankful for the cool weather that will come as a part of this system. We are also in need of any rain that it may produce. It is hot and dry here as it is many places right now.
...the conversation at the dinner table that was the result of talk about the coming hurricane. We were able to talk about hurricanes and tornadoes. But then we also were able to talk about the fact that no matter what is happening around us (weather or otherwise) God knows us and the number of our days. No matter when that day comes the only thing that matters is that we know God and have Him in our hearts so that we can live with Him in Heaven.