Thursday, July 8, 2010


Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and he will make straight your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

This is probably one of the first verses I ever learned as a child. But the truth of it is something I am finding myself clinging to today. You see, God clearly told Aaron and I that we were to move to PA. We firmly believe that God has big plans for our family and we are excited to see what those are.

For me, I personally was expecting God to continue the CLEAR and DIRECT path for us to take. That He would sell our house in a matter of days, that he would provide Aaron a great job, that we would all be able to move together, that we would be able to find a house to purchase, etc... God is reminding me though that His ways are not my ways. And that my "understanding" of the situation is just that, MINE.

I have been reminded quite a bit in the last week that I need to be focused on HIM and the fact that at every turn He has proven Himself to be faithful. I need to TRUST Him with my whole heart and ACKNOWLEDGE Him. He has a divine plan and it will be carried out by Him and Him alone.

He does not change. Our circumstances may change but He does not! He can be trusted.

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