I have had a few days that I can only describe as brutal (emotionally, mentally and spiritually). So today I took a mental health day. It's interesting, because even in the midst of trying to decide whether to take the day off or work, I struggled with my "need" to be at work versus taking care of myself. I work in the mental health field, it's not like I don't recognize the need to take care of one's whole being, yet when it's me, I fight it.
I struggle with control. Big surprise to many of you, I know! HAHA! God reminded me early this morning that HE is in control. HE has my best interests in mind. HE will guide and direct me if I patiently wait for Him. It was such a great reminder and refreshment to my soul that I almost decided to go into work anyway today. I didn't though. This is a day I need for me to take some time and do whatever I need or want to do. I had hoped for better weather so I could get in nine holes of golf, but instead I spent some time at the coffee shop, put together dinner, am doing laundry, blogging, getting ready to sweep/vacuum, and it's only 10:05 am. I am also planning to spend some time sitting in my papasan chair with the new Francine Rivers book. Yes, this will be a good day.
I am letting God shoulder the responsibility of timing and clarity for the decisions we are facing. It is just my job to be listening and then to be obedient. He will take care of the details. In the meantime, I will relax and enjoy my mental health day. (Yes, I took the kids to the sitter today. The day is really and truly completely mine.)
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