Thursday, January 21, 2010

I am thankful for... husband. Even though the past few days have been a bit "tense" he is still my favorite person. While we have moments in our marriage where for some reason or another we do more miscommunicating than actual communicating, he is still the person I most want to talk with about everything. I know that often I am frustrated by his male perspective on things, but I also know that it is this perspective that brings balance to my own. God has truly blessed me with an amazing man and I am so very grateful. kids. This week has been a rough one. For some reason there have been a lot of moments when I have yelled or at the very least wanted to do so. One of the boys is really laying on the guilt of mommy working and not being there for him. Em is testing the limits of our potty training patience. There have been more messes this week than when we first started the process-and some of the messes seem to be deliberate. We have been asking the boys to clean up their play room for two weeks (mainly a LEGO and Star Wars figurine playroom) and it is still not cleaned up. (I am soooo very tired of stepping on Lego's.) But all of this pales in comparison to the moments when we are sitting around the table and one of them asks if we can play the "What I like about you" game or when we are having devotions and they seem to grasp the concept of holiness. I am so very thankful for four wonderful children who give the best hugs in the world. They may try my patience or test the boundaries, but they are the best gifts I have ever been given.

I love how my perspective and attitude can be adjusted so radically when I begin to be thankful for what I have been given. There are definitely times when life is frustrating and trying but I have so much to be grateful for and when I begin to be thankful I don't have the time or desire to complain.

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