Fellowship should look like an orchestra. We should all be "playing" the same song. But that might get boring you say. Well, we do all have different gifts, skills, passions, etc...and that is where fellowship is no longer boring. Think about the variety of instruments in an orchestra. Think about how many notes are being played at the same time, but when done in harmony it is an amazing sound. So fellowship happens when different people walk in the Light and maybe they do it slightly different than the next person, but the song is the same.
The song can't be played well without the conductor. If everyone is doing their own thing there will be a lot of discord and missed notes. The same is true with fellowship; without everyone looking to The Light and walking in the Light, there will be discord. True fellowship happens with a singular focus and watching Him for the cues. Where do we find these cues? From His Word.
1John 1 says that we are either walking in darkness or walking in light. It can't be both. So if there is a break in fellowship one must then understand that there is ultimately a sin issue to be dealt with and it is best to look inward first.
And also, if multiple people are claiming to be hearing from the Holy Spirit and they are not in agreement then not everyone is hearing from God. There is One Spirit and One God. He isn't going to say different things to different people. (OK- so I will get off of my soap box.)
True fellowship though is something that I am truly thankful for. Because I know that it is not possible without the blood of Christ and also because it brings pure joy. When you get those moments of fellowship there is sense of God's presence that is truly amazing. Look first to the Light, which is God, and be amazed when you experience fellowship in the spiritual sense. The song is beautiful.
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