Thursday, July 23, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Food for Thought Tuesday
How do you view grace? Do you see it as a free pass to do whatever you want, is it a gift that you really don't value, or is it a living and active act of God in your life?
Titus 2:11-12
This verse says that grace is a tool that teaches. And based upon what it is teaching I would have to believe that this is not a once and done lesson. At least based on my life it seems to be a continual process.
I often think that as contemporary Christ followers we put too much emphasis on grace and not enough on truth. Specifically the fact that grace is necessary to save us from something. If we didn't need to be saved we wouldn't need grace.
I think also that often times we look at ourselves and see ourselves as much better than we truly are. We will look at other's sins and measure ours against theirs believing ours to be "not so bad". Sin is sin-no two ways around it. For some of us the daily grace we need is to resist gossipping, or the temptation to go back to the fridge one more time, or to say no to the addiction in our life. No matter what, we all have sin issues and we daily need grace to teach us to say "no".
But be encouraged "for the grace of God... has appeared to all men." Verse 14 says, "Jesus Christ, gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good."
Titus 2:11-12
"For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. It teaches us to say "No" to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age,"
This verse says that grace is a tool that teaches. And based upon what it is teaching I would have to believe that this is not a once and done lesson. At least based on my life it seems to be a continual process.
I often think that as contemporary Christ followers we put too much emphasis on grace and not enough on truth. Specifically the fact that grace is necessary to save us from something. If we didn't need to be saved we wouldn't need grace.
I think also that often times we look at ourselves and see ourselves as much better than we truly are. We will look at other's sins and measure ours against theirs believing ours to be "not so bad". Sin is sin-no two ways around it. For some of us the daily grace we need is to resist gossipping, or the temptation to go back to the fridge one more time, or to say no to the addiction in our life. No matter what, we all have sin issues and we daily need grace to teach us to say "no".
But be encouraged "for the grace of God... has appeared to all men." Verse 14 says, "Jesus Christ, gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good."
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Small Group Fun
Last weekend our small group had the chance to spend the weekend together. It was an amazing time of laughter, fun, and lots of water. Here are a few pictures from that weekend:
There was some fishing (though I don't think much if anything was caught), there was splashing, and water relay races.

The trampoline saw a lot of time and there was family craft time. Each family made two stepping stones.
The boys (adults) had lots of fun filling and shooting water balloons at the kids out on the pirate ship. I would guess that there were about 1000 balloons filled and shot over the course of the weekend. The boys (again-adults) also had fun out on the pirate ship.
We are looking forward to another small group trip, though it is yet to be planned. We are definitely blessed with a great group of friends.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Sermon continued...
OK so yesterday in my "thankful" post I got a little preachy. Well, here we go again.
Today I was reading in Titus 1. So I get to the last verse and it says,
"They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him."
1 John 1 and Titus 1 are both speaking to a duality that is often played out in our lives. We claim one thing but walk differently. As I was struck by the similarities of what I have been reading in two different environments, I was also struck by the fact that God often does that when He is trying to get my attention. My first reaction to God was to say, "God, I don't think I am doing anything that is "dark" or in denial of You." But then I began to think over the past few days. My love of others hasn't been the greatest. I have gotten frustrated and upset with people/issues and have vented in ways that I am quite positive did not bring God any glory or honor. The line between walking in Light and in darkness can so easily be crossed.
It is my greatest desire to walk in the Light, but I so often will give way to my human tendencies and in reality will be denying God by what I am doing or saying. the saddest part in this is that I tend to deny God by my actions with my kids. I will give into my anger and discipline out of my selfishness rather than out of my love for them.
What about you? Do your actions line up with what you claim with your mouth?
I believe that God loves me no matter how many times I mess up. I do believe though that His desire for me is to be in tune with the Holy Spirit and His Word so that my actions become more and more reflective of the Light. "For all have sinned...and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Jesus Christ." (Romans 3:23-24)
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Today I am Thankful for...
...true fellowship with other Christ followers. Yesterday in our Bible Study at work we talked about this topic and about what fellowship is and how it should look. (We were reading 1 John 1.) We talked about how walking in The Light brings about fellowship and as we talked, one of the guys had a great visual example.
Fellowship should look like an orchestra. We should all be "playing" the same song. But that might get boring you say. Well, we do all have different gifts, skills, passions, etc...and that is where fellowship is no longer boring. Think about the variety of instruments in an orchestra. Think about how many notes are being played at the same time, but when done in harmony it is an amazing sound. So fellowship happens when different people walk in the Light and maybe they do it slightly different than the next person, but the song is the same.
The song can't be played well without the conductor. If everyone is doing their own thing there will be a lot of discord and missed notes. The same is true with fellowship; without everyone looking to The Light and walking in the Light, there will be discord. True fellowship happens with a singular focus and watching Him for the cues. Where do we find these cues? From His Word.
1John 1 says that we are either walking in darkness or walking in light. It can't be both. So if there is a break in fellowship one must then understand that there is ultimately a sin issue to be dealt with and it is best to look inward first.
And also, if multiple people are claiming to be hearing from the Holy Spirit and they are not in agreement then not everyone is hearing from God. There is One Spirit and One God. He isn't going to say different things to different people. (OK- so I will get off of my soap box.)
True fellowship though is something that I am truly thankful for. Because I know that it is not possible without the blood of Christ and also because it brings pure joy. When you get those moments of fellowship there is sense of God's presence that is truly amazing. Look first to the Light, which is God, and be amazed when you experience fellowship in the spiritual sense. The song is beautiful.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
MRI Results
OK so I had an MRI on my back last week. I finally got the results yesterday.
Hmmmm...I think I am officially falling apart.
It is never good when the nurse calls and hesitates as she states that the results are in. So then she proceeds to give me the short version and the recommendations, which were to consult with a neurosurgeon or orthopedic surgeon. At that point I grabbed a pencil and paper and asked her to repeat everything.
My first course of action was to immediately call my little brother the Doctor (who will be specializing in orthopedic surgery). And so that is exactly what I did. Fortunately Ben is smart and well informed so he gave me other options, like physical therapy and a procedure called traction. So now I have more options as I move forward.
Please pray that we make wise decisions and that whatever the outcome now and in the future that we will seek God.
Hmmmm...I think I am officially falling apart.
It is never good when the nurse calls and hesitates as she states that the results are in. So then she proceeds to give me the short version and the recommendations, which were to consult with a neurosurgeon or orthopedic surgeon. At that point I grabbed a pencil and paper and asked her to repeat everything.
My first course of action was to immediately call my little brother the Doctor (who will be specializing in orthopedic surgery). And so that is exactly what I did. Fortunately Ben is smart and well informed so he gave me other options, like physical therapy and a procedure called traction. So now I have more options as I move forward.
Please pray that we make wise decisions and that whatever the outcome now and in the future that we will seek God.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Food for Thought Tuesday
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. John 3:16,17
I know that God loves me. But I have recently been struck by the fact that God's expression of His greatest love was a plan, that included suffering. Neither God nor Jesus were surprised by the fact that Jesus was tortured and killed on the cross. The fact that God loves me (and you) so much to plan Jesus' suffering for my benefit is overwhelming.
The love I share with others and offer to God, pales in comparison. I often withdraw my love in times that are hard and painful. When in fact maybe the pain has somehow been planned to help me deepen and show my love. What greater expression of love is there than to offer love even in the midst of pain? Isn't it then that our love is purest, because it is not based upon ourselves, it is truly focused on the person we are loving?
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Today I am Thankful for...
...our small group. We will be spending the weekend with our small group (which is 8 adults and 10 kids). We are going to a house on a lake in northern Indiana. These are not just friends-they are truly family, and I am so excited to spend a weekend relaxing and just hanging out with all of them.
...10 years with the most amazing man. Tomorrow we celebrate our anniversary. The time has gone by so quickly and yet in many ways I feel like we have always been. I have been so richly blessed. There are not words to express all I feel. So I will leave it at this: I am so thankful to God for the blessing of Aaron in my life!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Well, something I thought might very well never happen, did in fact happen last night. I actually enjoyed one of my husband's softball games with all four of my children. They all hung out with me on the bleachers and for the most part were well behaved (other than a few sibling issues).
It is amazing to think about the fact that we have arrived at a stage in our lives where the outcome of an outing like this is pleasant for everyone. I used to dread softball games because I ended up leaving frazzled and tired, let alone the fact that the game I was there to see had been played and I seemed to miss it.
The fact is that our children are getting older. Life is changing. In some ways that is exciting and on the other hand, a little sad. But the truth is we have been blessed with four amazing children, who have issues at times, but for the most part are well-behaved, lovely children to be around. Life happens so fast and the milestones are too often missed in the busyness. I am grateful that the Holy Spirit prompted me to be mindful of the event that had just taken place.
It is amazing to think about the fact that we have arrived at a stage in our lives where the outcome of an outing like this is pleasant for everyone. I used to dread softball games because I ended up leaving frazzled and tired, let alone the fact that the game I was there to see had been played and I seemed to miss it.
The fact is that our children are getting older. Life is changing. In some ways that is exciting and on the other hand, a little sad. But the truth is we have been blessed with four amazing children, who have issues at times, but for the most part are well-behaved, lovely children to be around. Life happens so fast and the milestones are too often missed in the busyness. I am grateful that the Holy Spirit prompted me to be mindful of the event that had just taken place.
Now if only we could get to the milestone of "no more diapers."
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Food for Thought Tuesday
It is difficult to reach our highest potential without God, for God is the only one who knows what our potential is.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
4th of July Weekend Fun
We began the weekend with lots of family and friends gathered for good food and fellowship. In addition to celebrating the birthday of our nation, we celebrated the Maxson's 35th anniversary, and Margo's birthday.
Before the big fireworks display young and old gathered to try out some backyard fun.
Then on to the big event. It was fun to sit and talk with family and friends as we waited for it to finally get dark. For the beginning of July it was quite chilly, though Emma was just trying to hide from the fireworks.

The 2nd Annual Christner Family Fourth of July Pictures
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Today I am thankful...
...for a new computer at work. I have this awesome big LCD screen, faster system and new programs to make the counseling center more efficient and client friendly. Yeah!!!
...for 4 day weekends. I have a great job, but I do love to be able to spend extra time with family and friends.
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