Wednesday, May 6, 2009


OK, quite honestly I have no idea how many people even visit and read my blog, but I wanted your thoughts, whether you check in here daily, weekly, it's your first time, etc...
I have been pondering this thought for a number of weeks. I have been studying the book of Acts with a group from work. We had a conversation about the fact that when the apostles and disciples would preach, the messages could be "boiled down" to simply "Repent and Believe!" In Acts the people did just that, they repented and believed. Many times it was not just one person affected-there was often a "trickle" affect, so what changed in these individuals lives when they repented and believed? We all pretty much know what repentance looks like, but what does belief look like?
So here is the question I would like you all to ponder and respond to, "What does belief look like in your life?" If someone, not truly knowing Christ, came to you and asked you to explain the message of "repent and believe" what would you say?
I look forward to seeing your responses. I hope that this challenges you to think and pray about your own personal relationship with God. I know it has challenged me.

1 comment:

Jonathan Erdman said...

For me, to believe has become far less of a cognitive/intellectual thing and more of a state of trust and openness.

Abraham "believed" God, and for Abraham that meant placing trust in God, accepting the gift/calling of God, and starting to walk (leaving his home and just going).

In Romans 4, Paul uses Abraham as the ultimate example of what it means to believe: to not work for God's favor but to somehow relax into his grace and the gift that God gives, to me, it is some indescribable sort of state of being.....