Thursday, March 26, 2009

Today I am Thankful for...

I have a friend that posts some of the things she is thankful for in her life every week.
I hope she won't mind that I am going to join her on a weekly journey of gratitude.
(Thanks for the inspiration Deanna.) husband. He is an amazing man. I have had to work some extra (and odd) hours lately and he has been the one to take care of the kids in the evenings. After a 12 hour work day (that started at 3:00 a.m.), it can't be easy to try and deal with 4 children-their needs, their dinner, homework, and bedtime routine. I love him so much, I am so blessed. soon to be born nephew. While I am, admittedly so, overly anxious for his arrival, I am thankful that every day he remains in his mommy, he is growing stronger and will be more prepared for this "outside" world. I look forward to holding him, but until then I am thankful that for now he is safe and warm. job. I know that in this time in our country it is hard to find a good job, with good benefits, and I have both. Plus the benefit of being able to pray and study the Bible at work. I have a great group of people that I get to work with and while the work we do is not always easy and can easily become burdensome for those hurting, we are blessed. We get to offer TRUE life and hope to those who walk through our doors.

...the beginning of spring. There are green buds on some vines just outside my office window. They just arrived this week. I have also noticed that the trees are taking on a reddish and greenish tint (depending on the type) that shows they are getting ready to bud and show their true colors. I love the colors of spring.

1 comment:

Deanna said...

Of course I don't mind! Welcome to the "Thankful Thursday" party! :)