Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Our Memorial Day Weekend

Aaron and I spent the holiday weekend away from our kiddos. That wasn't the original plan, but our plans changed and we needed to be in PA. While there was business involved, the reality is that my husband and I had an amazing time savoring our time together without children.

We flew to PA, which we had never done together before. We have always traveled by car. It was fun to do the whole flying thing together. We actually realized that it had been our honeymoon when we had last traveled by plane together. (In fact, Aaron has only flown once since our honeymoon and that was in a private jet.) It is one thing to hear about all the security issues and procedures and another to actually experience them, I am sure that at times people thought we had never flown before, ever.

We arrived in PA late Saturday evening and went to the rental car counter. We had reserved a car, but when you do that online all you are told is that you reserved a "make and model" or something comparable. Well the guy at the counter said that all they had available was a Ford Focus, VW Bug, or Ford Mustang. None of these cars are very large and Aaron is 6'6" so leg room and head room was a concern. However, both of us love Mustangs so needless to say that was the car we chose. After the gentleman handed us the keys and paperwork, he then says, "Oh, by the way, it's a convertible, is that a problem?" Uh NO!

We were like kids all weekend. We spent a large amount of time laughing and giggling. We drove with the top down most of the weekend. I actually got a bit of sun as did Aaron. It was so different from the norm for us as we are a two minivan family. It was so fun to look over at my husband and to see the little smile peeking out just because of the car. Aaron did a lot of squealing the tires, his excuse: "you have to respect the car."

Our kids stayed busy while we were gone. We are still hearing stories about all that happened. They spent time swimming at the lake, swimming at two different pools, and hanging out with Uncle John and Aunt Laura. I think that we probably missed them more than they missed us. But that's OK, they had fun and so did we.

I love the fact that Aaron and I can still have fun and enjoy each other's company. In fact, I think we do it better now than when we were dating and first married. And isn't that how it should be?! After all, our children will all too soon have their own lives and it will be just the two of us, we had better still enjoy each other's company. God has blessed us greatly and we fall more in love with each passing year. Our Memorial Day Weekend looked different than it has in the past, but it was a great reminder of what we have and how very precious it is. It certainly helps to have a Mustang too.

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