Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A thought...or two (Special Edition)

My baby boy is 6 today.

Where has time gone? It is hard to believe just how fast the years have passed. Stephen tried to make an appearance three weeks before he was born. However, due to modern medicine he was able to get a few extra weeks of growth. Looking at him now (and even then) you would never know that he was born about four weeks early.

Stephen is such a blessing to our family. He has the greatest smile and when he smiles, his whole face lights up. He also has the best giggle. Stephen loves to ham it up. He is a great sibling. He is always trying to do things at the level of Alex and Jack. He also does a great job of caring for and protecting Emma. I love Stephen's heart. He is so kind and loving. To top it all off, he gives great hugs. I have truly been blessed these last 6 years and I look forward to seeing how God will use this little guy in the future.

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