Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Through the door was the room we gathered in for Christmas Day.
It had a fireplace and plenty of room for the 14 that gathered together.

The Tower

The Chateau as you see it upon entering the driveway.

The Prayer Room

Apparently the builders of the Chateau were not tall.

St Albain-the town the Chateau is located in.

The Tower bones.
(The boys loved this part of the tower tour.)

Climbing the ladder to the top.

The boys getting a better look.
Look at the picture of the Tower up above to get a perspective on just how far up they were as they looked over the edge. This was not for the faint of heart.
Looking down in the Chateau's neighbors backyards.
A look at the river which was way over it's banks at this time of year.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

The flu

So, the cold I was feeling just before leaving France ended up being the beginning of the flu. Even today, over a week later, I am still not back to work. I have managed to work for about 2 hours a day before having to go home and rest. My cough and congestion is getting better, but there seems to be little improvement in the weak and tired department. I am sleeping a lot!

We are in the midst of a crazy basketball schedule. We have had at least one game every week night since returning (except for yesterday) and it will continue for the next week and a half.

In addition, we found out right before leaving for France that the buyers of the house we are renting had to modify the lease to get mortgage approval. This means that we have to move out by March 5. We have not had a lot of time since returning to even look at houses and don't anticipate that there will be a lot of time in the next few days. We were given a lead on a house but don't know much about it at this point. Please pray that God is clear and that we find a good fit.

I have not had a chance to really go through all our pictures yet. So hopefully in the next few days I can work on sorting and editing them and then I will post some here on the blog.

Stay healthy!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Leavin' on a jet plane...

Well my intention was to blog regularly while in France but our schedule did not allow for that to happen.
Our time in the french alps with the missionary kids was good.  It was a blessing to meet and get to know these families. Unfortunately on the last full day Emma ended up very sick.  She was running a high fever and was very run down. She is still fighting the cold and fever, though it is not as high or constant. Aaron, Stephen and I have also developed colds.
We rang in 2013 withe European missionary team. It was fun and a great way to end one year and begin another.
We head to the airport early and with time zones and such we will end up having a 30 hour day. We are all a little sad to leave. We have all come to love this place and the people we have met. On the other hand we are all looking forward to sleeping in our own beds again.
I will post pictures once we are back home. Until then, au revoir.