Thursday, May 31, 2012

Memorial Day

Below are some pictures from last weekend. I actually had these pictures uploaded a few days ago (along with another post that I started last week) but I am just now getting around to posting. Better late than never I suppose. Enjoy!!

Over the weekend our house looked like a beach house with all of the towels hanging out to dry after a day in the pool. To me, this is the look of summer!

This is my new friend "Red". He is beautiful.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

What we have been up to lately...

The school has a yearly Arts and Science Fair that is a showcase for the entire school (Pre-K thru 12th grade). For the elementary classes they focus on a few different science projects. Both Jack (presentation on the left) and Stephen did projects dealing with animals and they both chose elephants. Both boys did an excellent job.

Emma's class had an Olympic theme for a few days. During this time I got to teach a soccer clinic and then one of the other moms taught field hockey. Since the field hockey demonstration was just outside my office I got to go watch. (I played field hockey when I was younger and it is a sport I still love.) It was fun to watch Emma learn some basics.

These are our kiddos. (The one that is all dressed up is our "adopted" daughter.) It was Jr/Sr Banquet night and we played the honorary role of mom and dad (aka-photographers). Not quite sure we are ready for high school and dating and all of that...

 Jack is busy playing soccer. He is doing a great job on the field and in the goal. It is fun to watch! (Stephen is also playing soccer, however since I help coach his team, I haven't gotten any pictures. He is also doing really well, he has scored multiple goals in each game.)

At Jack's "home" field there is a walking path. It is a little over a mile long. Stephen and Emma usually run 2-3 laps while Alex will run up to 5. I think they are crazy! But they are having fun.

The school had a fundraiser at a Lancaster Barnstormers game (independent baseball league). It was fun as the school had a section of seats you could purchase tickets from, so we were close to friends. The game was fun and the home team won, plus the evening ended with a fabulous fireworks display. We are grateful and blessed to be a part of this school family.

And the pool is open for the summer! The water temp is a bit on the chilly side for me but I am sure it won't be long before we are all in the water. Alex is learning to help keep the pool clean. Emma is excited because she can touch the bottom and doesn't need her life jacket. Her goal is to learn how to swim this summer. Again, I am sure it won't take long.

Speaking of Emma learning new things. Here is a video of her after just two or three 15 minute lessons with daddy. No training wheels and even braving the speed bump.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Jeremiah Part 2

As I continue on this journey through Jeremiah, I was struck with one verse in particular. To me, it spoke volumes. (But I am going to include the verse before it as well.)
Jeremiah 5:19-20 "Yet even in those days," declares the LORD, "I will not destroy you completely. And when the people ask, 'Why has the LORD our God done all this to us?' you will tell them, 'As you have forsaken me and served foreign gods in your own land, so now you will serve foreigners in a land not your own.'"
I can imagine that as you read that you wonder why this verse stuck out to me. Well, it has to do with the truth that all sin leads to bondage. God didn't eliminate the nation of Israel and wipe them out. He allowed them to live in the consequences and bondage of their choices. The same is true for us.

Think about it this way (disclaimer-this may be a real life scenario in our home): My son disobeys. He is confronted about his disobedience and chooses to lie. The lie is questioned and when confronted again the lie gets bigger. My son now has to remember the lies he has told to keep himself from getting into trouble. He is now bound by those lies. When the truth is eventually admitted my son must face the consequences of not only the disobedience but the lies he has told. The effects of his lies not only damage his freedoms (most of the consequences are the loss of privileges) but also with the trust level we have with him.

In this simple example we see clearly that had our son just simply repented of his disobedience his life would be a lot more free. Free to enjoy privileges and free to gain trust from us in bigger and bigger ways.

If the nation of Israel had simply repented and turned from their wickedness and hard-heartedness they too could have been saved.
Jeremiah 4:14 "...wash the evil from your heart and be saved."
In what areas of my life is God saying to me, "Come, be cleansed and saved"? "Come and be set free."?

Do you feel trapped or bound by something in your life? Do you even realize the areas of your life that are not truly areas of freedom? I know I am often in a state of shock when I realize, "Wow, I am not free at all in that area. I need to figure out my sin issue and repent." 

It comes down to knowing The Truth.
John 14:6 "I am the way, the truth and the life."
Do you really know Jesus? Do I? He is The Truth! He is the way out of bondage and into freedom.
John 8:31b-32 "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A Vapor

James 4:14b (NIV) says "What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes."

In other versions "a mist" is called a vapor. To me vapor seems even more fragile and fleeting than mist. And I am in a season of life where I am recognizing the full extent of just how quickly life is passing.

Tomorrow we will celebrate a birthday in our home. With this birthday comes the very real reminder that we are now just one year away from being the parents of a teenager. Wasn't it just yesterday that I became a mom for the first time?

And then as this school year wraps up within the next month, we are experiencing another "last" in our home. At the end of the month, we will have our fourth Kindergartner and with that ends our need for daycare or preschool.

Life is short. We most often see it in very poignant moments when a life is cut short or tragedy strikes. But I am noticing it in the everyday moments as well.

We don't know how long our journey will be but in the scheme of eternity our life is short. So I am being reminded that I need to cherish my children and my time with them, but also be sure that they are secure in the love of God. My love for them, though enormous, is like vapor compared to God's. 

This vapor, this life that is fleeting; what I am doing with it that has eternal significance?