Thursday, December 23, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Food for the Soul and Monday Mumblings (All a bit late)
I sat at my computer Thursday evening thinking that I should go ahead and type out my blog post for Friday, but then talked myself out it. Then it happened again on Sunday afternoon as I was thinking about Monday's post. Sometimes even the best of intentions can become derailed.
This last weekend was actually a rare one in our house. Other than the boys (Alex and Jack) basketball games on Saturday and Emma attending a birthday party, we had NOTHING officially scheduled on our calendar. While we added plenty to that schedule, it was a great weekend as a family.
Friday, I hurried to get the house cleaned (at least somewhat) and some laundry done so that I wouldn't have to worry about it later in the weekend. Friday afternoon since Aaron did not have basketball practice, we went grocery shopping and birthday gift shopping. We then enjoyed taco night and just relaxed together as a family. It was wonderful to sit and talk with my husband for an extended period of time.
Saturday was adventurous in getting everyone where they needed to be. Jack had basketball from 11-12, Emma had to be at a birthday party from 12-1:30 and Alex had basketball from 1-2. Thankfully we are a two van family. My god-parents attended Alex's game and from there took the kids for the afternoon and evening, so that Aaron and I could finally get our Christmas shopping started and hopefully completed. (We realized from the beginning that we were going to struggle with our goal as we had given all our good ideas to family.) We did manage to get most of our shopping done. I still need to get some stocking stuffers but for the most part we finished. YEA!
Sunday started with a crazy busy morning with Church (lots of crying babies this weekend). Then Sunday night we went out to dinner for a surprise birthday party for my god-sister's husband. It was lots of fun to be with family. Plus it was the first Chinese food we have had since we moved to PA. YEA!!!
It was a great weekend. This week is now filled to the brim with lots of things. Work, school, basketball practices, choir rehearsals, last minute shopping, and then of course the BIG day: Christmas!!! I am looking forward to the end of the week as it will bring with it lots of fun, love and family.
In the busyness of the past few weeks, the name given to Jesus at His birth has been where my focus has been drawn. Emmanuel. God with us. God is not just our Savior. He is not some distant being. He is not just Creator. Not only the Beginning and the End. He is with us. Day in and day out. Moment by moment. Good and bad.
I find such comfort in the name Emmanuel. I hope that you do too. As our family looks forward to Saturday-Christmas Day and gifts and fun, we are also excited for the reminder of Christ's birth. And with that reminder of His birth is the reminder that it did not end in a manger. He came to be with us.
This last weekend was actually a rare one in our house. Other than the boys (Alex and Jack) basketball games on Saturday and Emma attending a birthday party, we had NOTHING officially scheduled on our calendar. While we added plenty to that schedule, it was a great weekend as a family.
Friday, I hurried to get the house cleaned (at least somewhat) and some laundry done so that I wouldn't have to worry about it later in the weekend. Friday afternoon since Aaron did not have basketball practice, we went grocery shopping and birthday gift shopping. We then enjoyed taco night and just relaxed together as a family. It was wonderful to sit and talk with my husband for an extended period of time.
Saturday was adventurous in getting everyone where they needed to be. Jack had basketball from 11-12, Emma had to be at a birthday party from 12-1:30 and Alex had basketball from 1-2. Thankfully we are a two van family. My god-parents attended Alex's game and from there took the kids for the afternoon and evening, so that Aaron and I could finally get our Christmas shopping started and hopefully completed. (We realized from the beginning that we were going to struggle with our goal as we had given all our good ideas to family.) We did manage to get most of our shopping done. I still need to get some stocking stuffers but for the most part we finished. YEA!
Sunday started with a crazy busy morning with Church (lots of crying babies this weekend). Then Sunday night we went out to dinner for a surprise birthday party for my god-sister's husband. It was lots of fun to be with family. Plus it was the first Chinese food we have had since we moved to PA. YEA!!!
It was a great weekend. This week is now filled to the brim with lots of things. Work, school, basketball practices, choir rehearsals, last minute shopping, and then of course the BIG day: Christmas!!! I am looking forward to the end of the week as it will bring with it lots of fun, love and family.
In the busyness of the past few weeks, the name given to Jesus at His birth has been where my focus has been drawn. Emmanuel. God with us. God is not just our Savior. He is not some distant being. He is not just Creator. Not only the Beginning and the End. He is with us. Day in and day out. Moment by moment. Good and bad.
I find such comfort in the name Emmanuel. I hope that you do too. As our family looks forward to Saturday-Christmas Day and gifts and fun, we are also excited for the reminder of Christ's birth. And with that reminder of His birth is the reminder that it did not end in a manger. He came to be with us.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Monday Mumblings...
This last week kept us hopping from one thing to another.
The beginning of the week was rather typical for basketball season. Practices and scrimmages. Then mid-week the kids again had Choir practice.
Thursday night instead of the boys having basketball practice we had a Choral Concert to attend. Alex performed with the 5th and 6th grade middle school choir. I could actually pick his voice out in the first song. The performed three songs. The first was "The First Noel" set to Pachelbel's Canon. It was a beautiful arrangement. Then they sang a song called "Holiday Lights" in which they held flashlights covered in a variety of colors of tissue paper. It was really well done between the singing and the choreography of the flashlights. They finished with a song called "Hot Chocolate". It was a fun song and the accompaniment was provided by members of the 5th and 6th grade band. It was all really well done. Alex had fun and that is what it is all about.
Friday night kicked off the official basketball season for Aaron's team. They were playing in a tournament and ended up losing the first game. This meant that Saturday, we (me and the kids) would not be able to go to the third place game as Alex and Jack both had games. The girl's team won though. YEA!
Jack played great defense in his game on Saturday. He had three steals and he took a shot (it was a bit out of his range, but was a good attempt). Alexander opened up his game with an absolutely beautiful drive to the basket and a textbook lay up. Those points ended up being the only points scored by his team for the first quarter and most of the second as well. While the beginning of the game looked so promising it went downhill from there.
We got to skype this week with our small group from IN (which was a surprise thanks to my sister) and with my in-laws. It is always great to not only talk to our families but to see them as well.
It is hard to believe that Christmas is just around the corner. I have so much to do, specifically shopping. We are hoping to get that all taken care of this coming weekend. Nothing like waiting until the last minute.
I hope that you are taking time to enjoy this season. It is so hard to do (I am struggling with it this year in a big way) but I know that it is necessary to build in that time for reflection and enjoyment of His LOVE. Be sure to take some time for yourself too. Love you all!
The beginning of the week was rather typical for basketball season. Practices and scrimmages. Then mid-week the kids again had Choir practice.
Thursday night instead of the boys having basketball practice we had a Choral Concert to attend. Alex performed with the 5th and 6th grade middle school choir. I could actually pick his voice out in the first song. The performed three songs. The first was "The First Noel" set to Pachelbel's Canon. It was a beautiful arrangement. Then they sang a song called "Holiday Lights" in which they held flashlights covered in a variety of colors of tissue paper. It was really well done between the singing and the choreography of the flashlights. They finished with a song called "Hot Chocolate". It was a fun song and the accompaniment was provided by members of the 5th and 6th grade band. It was all really well done. Alex had fun and that is what it is all about.
Friday night kicked off the official basketball season for Aaron's team. They were playing in a tournament and ended up losing the first game. This meant that Saturday, we (me and the kids) would not be able to go to the third place game as Alex and Jack both had games. The girl's team won though. YEA!
Jack played great defense in his game on Saturday. He had three steals and he took a shot (it was a bit out of his range, but was a good attempt). Alexander opened up his game with an absolutely beautiful drive to the basket and a textbook lay up. Those points ended up being the only points scored by his team for the first quarter and most of the second as well. While the beginning of the game looked so promising it went downhill from there.
We got to skype this week with our small group from IN (which was a surprise thanks to my sister) and with my in-laws. It is always great to not only talk to our families but to see them as well.
It is hard to believe that Christmas is just around the corner. I have so much to do, specifically shopping. We are hoping to get that all taken care of this coming weekend. Nothing like waiting until the last minute.
I hope that you are taking time to enjoy this season. It is so hard to do (I am struggling with it this year in a big way) but I know that it is necessary to build in that time for reflection and enjoyment of His LOVE. Be sure to take some time for yourself too. Love you all!
Friday, December 10, 2010
Food for the Soul
Tis the season...for giving, for snow, for family, for lights and decorations, for crowds, for hustle and bustle, for greediness, for very little patience...
It's always crazy to me that during what should be the happiest and most hopeful season of the year, people can turn into the rudest and most unkind beings ever. Our schedules are overflowing with activities and then we add the stress and pressure to shop and get the best deal and do it all by certain deadlines. This tends to put even the nicest person over the top.
So when our own schedules are filled to the brim and we feel the same pressures, how do we not succumb to becoming mean and rude as well?
There is a verse that has come up in my conversations and studying over the past few weeks. It is also the verse that I think provides us with a way to combat the urge to give in and give someone what they may or may not deserve.
John 13:35 says "They will know you are My disciples by your love." I strongly desire to be known as a disciple of Jesus. I want my life to reflect Him. From this verse we see that the key to a life set apart as His disciple is easily defined by LOVE.
Easier said than done at times. But when LOVE is given through a genuine smile to the elderly man sitting alone in the coffee shop, by letting the person in a rush go ahead of you in line, by thanking the Salvation Army bell ringer (not just quickly putting in a dollar or not even making eye contact as you rush by them), by helping the harried mother of 3 whose youngest is throwing their paci or blanket on the floor, make a difference. We have all been in a situation where it would take little to no more time to do the LOVING thing. And really, what's 30 seconds, or even longer in the grand scheme of things?
LOVE can be conveyed in so many ways, big and small. LOVE can define us, it should define us. If someone watched our lives for a period of time, they should see a life that is different from this world. Because LOVE is not just love, it is God working in us and through us to be LOVE (His reflection) to the world.
I challenge you in the busyness of this season to commit John 13:35 to memory. God gave us His perfect Son as a gift, the greatest gift ever given. If we receive this gift we then have the privilege and responsibility to give it to others. He is LOVE. And when we LOVE as He LOVED, then they will know we are His disciples.
It's always crazy to me that during what should be the happiest and most hopeful season of the year, people can turn into the rudest and most unkind beings ever. Our schedules are overflowing with activities and then we add the stress and pressure to shop and get the best deal and do it all by certain deadlines. This tends to put even the nicest person over the top.
So when our own schedules are filled to the brim and we feel the same pressures, how do we not succumb to becoming mean and rude as well?
There is a verse that has come up in my conversations and studying over the past few weeks. It is also the verse that I think provides us with a way to combat the urge to give in and give someone what they may or may not deserve.
John 13:35 says "They will know you are My disciples by your love." I strongly desire to be known as a disciple of Jesus. I want my life to reflect Him. From this verse we see that the key to a life set apart as His disciple is easily defined by LOVE.
Easier said than done at times. But when LOVE is given through a genuine smile to the elderly man sitting alone in the coffee shop, by letting the person in a rush go ahead of you in line, by thanking the Salvation Army bell ringer (not just quickly putting in a dollar or not even making eye contact as you rush by them), by helping the harried mother of 3 whose youngest is throwing their paci or blanket on the floor, make a difference. We have all been in a situation where it would take little to no more time to do the LOVING thing. And really, what's 30 seconds, or even longer in the grand scheme of things?
LOVE can be conveyed in so many ways, big and small. LOVE can define us, it should define us. If someone watched our lives for a period of time, they should see a life that is different from this world. Because LOVE is not just love, it is God working in us and through us to be LOVE (His reflection) to the world.
I challenge you in the busyness of this season to commit John 13:35 to memory. God gave us His perfect Son as a gift, the greatest gift ever given. If we receive this gift we then have the privilege and responsibility to give it to others. He is LOVE. And when we LOVE as He LOVED, then they will know we are His disciples.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
Monday Mumblings
Well I never got around to posting any pictures from our Thanksgiving holiday or our Christmas decorating. So here they are a few...
Our decorated Christmas Tree.

The main reason that it took me over a week to do it would be perfectly clear if you could see my calendar. In fact, here is a picture (intentionally blurry-I don't normally keep a picture like this)...
The main reason that it took me over a week to do it would be perfectly clear if you could see my calendar. In fact, here is a picture (intentionally blurry-I don't normally keep a picture like this)...
Yep, December has arrived along with basketball season. Wow!!! Hang on to your hats! Not only is Aaron the assistant Girl's Varsity coach here at the shcool, but Alex and Jack both joined teams within the last week. So just between games and practices we are busy.
Add to basketball the fact that all the kids are singing in the Children's choir at church for the Christmas Eve services and they have practice once a week.
Then there are all the miscellaneous activities that are thrown in for holiday fun, plus a few birthdays to celebrate, and school functions...go, go, go...
I had this post mostly completed Monday morning and then got busy...ah, the story of my life. See you tomorrow for Wordless Wednesday.
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