Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Jackson Dean

My Jack is turning 7. How can this be?

I have been so blessed to watch this little boy grow. He has been created by God to be an amazing little man. The years have flown by and I am sure they will continue to do so.

Jackson gives amazing hugs. He has a brilliant smile. He is smart. He is loving. He loves God's creation. He has an adventurous spirit. Jackson loves music. He loves to pray. He loves to learn new things. He is messy, but creative. He loves to draw pictures and write stories. He is funny. He loves his family.

I could go on and on. Jackson is not perfect, but he fits perfectly in our family and is such a blessing. I pray that he grows up to be a man after God's own heart.

1 comment:

Jen F. said...

Happy Birthday Jack!!!