Monday, September 27, 2010


After she set the table: "Grandma, I gave you a knife so you can cut my meat."

As her brothers were getting in trouble (to Daddy): "They don't listen very well." (pause) "I have trouble with that sometimes too."

A storm came in right at bedtime and the kids and I talked about how big God is and that He is watching out for us and protecting us. We prayed that God would cover our house with His hand. The next day: "Daddy, did you see God's hand on our house last night?"

She was hanging out at work with me for a bit and we were having a staff meal so she joined me. My boss came up and said, "Emma, can I sit with you?" To which she looked at him and growled. "GRRRRRRRR"

She is really into dress up again though it is usually with accessories. Her favorite thing to do is wear her dress up high heels and jewelry. She showed Daddy her beautiful outfit and he lifted her up onto the couch. He was teasing her about her shoes being on the couch, to which she replied, "Daddy these are NOT outside shoes. They are for pretty."

She was supposed to be taking a nap but was playing, so I stood in the doorway to watch. She was playing with her princess barbies. She lifted up Cinderella's dress and in a shocked voice said, "Cinderella has a butt!"

Oh yeah, that's my girl. She is almost 4 going on 12. She definitely keeps us all laughing. We love her and her "-isms" to pieces.

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